Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1175 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2521. RT
@SR_spatial Great profile of how our Hard to Count map is helping groups across the country support a fair and accurate #2020Census : “How One Data Map Is Supporting Census Work Nationwideâ€
2 October 2019, 11:36:19 AM |
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2 October 2019, 4:35:55 PM |
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2523. RT
@netblocks Update: #Iraq is now largely offline amid widening mass-protests; situation on the ground unclear due to blackouts; real-time network data show ~75% of country including #Baghdad now offline (excl. autonomous regions) 📉
2 October 2019, 7:59:59 PM |
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2524. RT
@DavidSamFrancis Extinction Rebellion have sprayed 1,800 litres of fake blood on the Treasury using an old fire engine
3 October 2019, 10:28:11 AM |
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2525. RT
@nyclawgrrrl On the corner where Portland Portland officers shot and killed Patrick Kimmons on September 30, 2018.
3 October 2019, 8:24:48 PM |
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2526. RT
@DannyDutch Photographs of musical notes based on the shape their vibrations make in a bowl of water.
4 October 2019, 12:12:16 PM |
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2527. RT
@maryhui [Thread]: How is Cantonese a language of protest?
I had a ton of fun sharing some of my thoughts on this panel tonight (very aptly, in Cantonese—my first time doing public speaking in Canto). For those who couldn't make it, here's a digest. 1/
5 October 2019, 10:07:58 AM |
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2528. RT
@Pinboard This is some level 99 linguistic taunting going on around me all the time that I can't see. Sometimes @maryhui lifts the veil a tiny bit and it is invariably wonderful. In this case, the sign belongs to a popular baked goods chain whose plutocrat owner is vocally pro-Beijing
5 October 2019, 10:04:29 AM |
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5 October 2019, 10:51:18 AM |
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2530. RT
@romyellenbogen For four years, an inmate at a Florida prison used hidden cameras to film a documentary on what life on the inside is like. It shows the gruesome and often violent conditions inmates see every day:
5 October 2019, 2:16:05 PM |
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