Write On Stomach
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2531. RT
@ScottHech You’re hiring 500 new police officers to police subway stations to arrest people too poor to afford public transportation instead of spending those tens of millions on affordable housing & safer shelters. Don’t be stunned. Do something.
5 October 2019, 5:11:43 PM |
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2532. RT
@samswey For those who are interested in research-based solutions to stop police violence, here’s what you need to know - based on the facts and data. A thread. (1/x)
6 October 2019, 2:01:59 AM |
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2533. RT
@ClintSmithIII "Only about a quarter of New York City’s 472 subway stations are wheelchair accessible, one of the lowest percentages of any major transit system in the world."
7 October 2019, 12:48:53 PM |
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7 October 2019, 12:46:52 PM |
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2535. RT
@georgejoseph94 SCOOP: We got Bronx prosecutors’ internal records on police officers found to have lied in court. Until now, some of these records have been unknown to NYC’s defense bar, leaving defendants in the dark about their accusers:
7 October 2019, 10:44:57 PM |
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2536. RT
@bshelburne Covering the shit show inside Alabama prisons feels like getting firehosed with human tragedy. In the last 3 hours, I've worked tips on officers beating a man to death, a fatal overdose on Flakka and an officer arrested for smuggling heroin into a facility. I can't keep up.
8 October 2019, 12:30:44 PM |
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2537. RT
@Pinboard @lokmantsui One thing I really want to stress to Hong Kong friends: don't let feelings of shame or that you're not tech savvy prevent you from seeking help. A good security person is like a doctor: they have seen it all, much worse than you, and just want to help keep you healthy and safe
9 October 2019, 10:31:31 AM |
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2538. RT
@waltshaub Just watched an interview of the mother of an 11-year old boy the Turk invaders murdered. Behind her was her 7-year old daughter whose leg they blew off. Wars happen for a lot of reasons, but this one is happening to protect our corrupt president's stream of income from Turkey.
12 October 2019, 1:03:12 PM |
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2539. RT
@Pinboard Another piece of bizzarro New York Times Hong Kong coverage where the authors claim the awesome "Lady Liberty" statue is modeled on the American statue of liberty without mentioning the obvous and direct callback to Tiananmen Square.
14 October 2019, 9:40:20 PM |
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2540. RT
@Dymaxion One of the most profound lessons I've learned over the past decade is the degree to which the political intent imbued into infrastrucutral systems maintains its meaning and function over time, even if added layers change the meaning of the conjoined system.
15 October 2019, 6:03:02 PM |
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