Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0720 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2551. RT
@mala I saw the @nytimes’ original hiring of @runasand as a sign that, finally, newsrooms were learning that the digital protection of their staff, sources, and process was *vital* to their work — and that they needed to hire the best. What a sad moment to backslide on all that.
23 October 2019, 12:25:41 AM |
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2552. RT
@nihilocrat the buried lede here is "global warming could be stalled for 20 years with the same amount of money the world spends on its militaries every 60 days"
24 October 2019, 10:50:06 AM |
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2553. RT
@changethenypd We’re in Albany with Valerie Bell, Gwen Carr and Constance Malcolm, mothers of #SeanBell, #EricGarner and #RamarleyGraham, respectively, ready to submit testimony at a State Senate hearing on the country’s most secretive police law. #Repeal50a
24 October 2019, 4:03:54 PM |
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2554. RT
@changethenypd The NYC Bar Association noted in April 2018 that “As the only one of its kind in the nation, 50-a has been interpreted so broadly that police misconduct in New York State is more secretive than any other state in the nation.
24 October 2019, 4:03:08 PM |
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2555. RT
@pressfreedom India uses opaque legal process to suppress Kashmiri journalism, commentary on Twitter -- By @AASchapiro, @zidanism, @CPJAsia's @aliyazeba and @kunalmajumder, @backspace and @lumendatabase
24 October 2019, 6:16:34 PM |
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2556. RT
@AASchapiro A new investigation w/colleagues at the Committee to Protect Journalists:
Twitter has blocked nearly a million Tweets from accounts that focus on Kashmir, at the behest of the Indian government—including the entire account of the magazine Kashmir Narrator
24 October 2019, 6:43:07 PM |
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2557. RT
@AASchapiro Zuckerber's talking point on the political ad controversy is *identical* to how Dow Chemical responded to questions about making napalm back in the day.
This, from @kevinroose: "[Dow] claimed that napalm was a small part of the company’s overall business"
24 October 2019, 9:43:01 PM |
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2558. RT
@mechapoetic untitled goose game, besides being quite charming and lovely, was produced in part due to funding from Film Victoria, a public arts program similar to the NFB. imagine if more fun digital art projects could rely on public funding rather than the market. what would games look like
24 October 2019, 11:12:29 PM |
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2559. RT
The Malee Scholarship awards $6K annually to one talented young WOC. For education, tools, or just paying your rent for a minute so you can finish a typeface. Its up to you.
25 October 2019, 4:27:43 PM |
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2560. RT
@mollycrabapple My friend @DreadScottArt got sick of civil war reenactments, and decided to stage a slave rebellion reenactment.
On 11/8-9, hundreds of reenactors will march on New Orleans and recreate the the largest slave rebellion in US history.
26 October 2019, 4:22:44 PM |
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