Write On Stomach
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2561. RT
@AsapSCIENCE We made a song using ONLY TREES!
Donate to raise money and plant 20 MILLION TREES:
Thank you for all of your work: @MrBeastYT @MarkRober @smartereveryday
26 October 2019, 4:51:50 PM |
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2562. RT
@kanarinka I've been following work on data murals (by @rahulbot @datazetu Detroit Digital Justice Coalition among others) but here's the first #DataStreetArt group I've heard of:
27 October 2019, 3:05:33 PM |
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2563. RT
@jamesbridle "The internet emerged in a region heavily shaped by libertarian conservatism and environmental racism, and it was easily instrumentalized toward both" Read @lifewinning, as essential as ever, on the ground the Internet grew from:
29 October 2019, 9:38:37 PM |
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30 October 2019, 2:31:47 PM |
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2565. RT
@sdonnan Gulp...
“Almost 40% of projected farm profit this year will come from trade aid, disaster assistance, federal subsidies and insurance payments, according to the report, based on Department of Agriculture forecasts. That’s $33 billion of a projected $88 billion in income.â€
31 October 2019, 2:03:03 AM |
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2566. RT
@JeromeTaylor With Hong Kong protesters vowing to use Halloween tonight to defy the face mask ban once more, the city’s most openly pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily prints a cut out mask of the police on its front page suggesting that officers have become the scariest thing in town
31 October 2019, 10:12:11 AM |
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2567. RT
@metaleptic hop off the tram, close to midnight on your way back and someone stencilled the sidewalk. “norwegian oil boils the worldâ€.
1 November 2019, 10:53:52 PM |
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2568. RT
@erikhinton There's like a single working elevator in all of the train stops in New York but we have money for this dopey blade runner corny surveillance bullshit to intimidate people who can't afford a $2.75 ride on a broken train.
2 November 2019, 3:30:16 AM |
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2569. RT
@KumarRaoNYC For NYers for whom it took 2 hours to get home tonight via subway b/c of station closures, creeping trains, and irregular trains...just know that our city spends nearly $7 BILLION a year on police and jails.
There’s money to fix the situation, we just spend it on other things.
2 November 2019, 11:50:27 AM |
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2570. RT
@sherships @eads Be on the lookout for a new data stream and ask what's causing it? Like when the police in the Philippines were trying to hide state killings by putting dead bodies on ambulances so that they were dead on arrival. #ThirdCoast19 #data
2 November 2019, 12:07:21 PM |
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