Write On Stomach
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2571. RT
@notpixietit a million seconds is 12 days
a billion seconds is 31 years
so much backlash around corbyns stance on billionaires comes from a lack of understanding of just how much a billion really is. there is no justification for wealth like that
he’s right, billionaires shouldn’t exist.
2 November 2019, 4:23:05 PM |
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2572. RT
@yuenok "You could hear he was trying so hard to breathe."
A one-year-old baby was hospitalized for three days with bronchitis after tear gas came into their 23/F apartment. And his mother "still has to wash out his nose three times a day to keep his coughing under control."
6 November 2019, 1:23:35 PM |
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2573. RT
@anildash The weird thing about this is, what’s Gates’ concern here? That someone’s going to take his money and spend it on… providing medicine, supplies & information that delivers healthcare to people in need?
7 November 2019, 2:08:03 AM |
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2574. RT
@QasimRashid Bloomberg is worth $53B
For perspective, he could afford a $100K condo for every one of 500,000+ homeless in America—& w/$3B remaining—still be one of America's 300 wealthiest people
A system that enables 1 person to have so much while 500K+ suffer in abject poverty is immoral
7 November 2019, 11:24:55 PM |
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2575. RT
@BGrueskin These headlines are just from *today*.
And good on @politico for covering the details of how the administration operates, beyond impeachment
8 November 2019, 1:24:58 PM |
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2576. RT
@dsaff I only just tonight put together, thanks to @sarahjeong, that *both* science fiction and computer programming were invented by women pissed off at Lord Byron.
9 November 2019, 6:19:15 PM |
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2577. RT
@netblocks As #Iraq's internet shutdown passes 122 hours, rights group @Amnesty has issued an urgent alert calling on authorities to protect the people’s right to life and their right to gather and express their views â±
9 November 2019, 11:54:21 PM |
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9 November 2019, 11:53:52 PM |
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2579. RT
@isocockerell Newsletter on my conversation with a journalist who went into Xinjiang on a lavish state-sponsored press tour, believing the Uyghur crisis was a conspiracy.
He came away horrified by what he saw.
10 November 2019, 2:56:38 PM |
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2580. RT
@PompeiiDog Why was Evo Morales overthrown? He was nationalizing the highly profitable lithium industry and planning to deal directly on the international market rather than exporting the commodity at bargain prices to Western corporations
11 November 2019, 12:24:30 AM |
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