Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0986 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2601. RT
@JoshSeefried Everyone is doing the 10 year challenge! Here’s one:
2009 minimum wage: $7.25
2019 minimum wage: $7.25
27 November 2019, 12:20:16 AM |
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2602. RT
@JordanGMassing1 Academia is no longer my field, but: most researchers will send you their scholarly articles for free if you email them - you don't actually have to pay for that publication (funds which don't go to the researcher at all anyway).
Saw on twitter years ago & it's worth repeating
28 November 2019, 3:17:01 PM |
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2603. @vgr Tags and categories are one kind of natural link between entry nodes in a bloggy graph.
28 November 2019, 5:26:28 PM |
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2604. RT
@eorlins It is now officially December 1st. This means that the bail reforms that have already been enacted in NY are going into effect in 30 days. But the Manhattan DA’s office has been requesting tens of thousands of dollars bail on misdemeanors and non-violent felonies ALL DAY & NIGHT!
1 December 2019, 2:06:37 PM |
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2605. RT
@bethbourdon i had one client whose monitor went off in court during a hearing about his monitor consistently malfunctioning and his inability to pay the monthly $300 monitoring fee, for which the company and the state wanted him imprisoned.
3 December 2019, 1:37:54 PM |
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3 December 2019, 4:56:59 PM |
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2607. RT
@katecrawford Finally, a paper on why "AI for good" is an empty phrase without a theory of change. What is "good" is never articulated in the rush to tech solutions, while alternative reforms are overlooked. Read @benzevgreen's piece before it blows up at @NeurIPSConf
4 December 2019, 3:05:28 PM |
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2608. RT
@pamela_herd 25% of disabled people eligible for loan forgiveness receive it due to administrative burden. Dept of Ed could automatically discharge debt by verifying based on Social Security data, where people have already gone through a rigorous disability determination 1/
4 December 2019, 8:59:48 PM |
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2609. Twitter takes a step backwards on transparency: the streaming API will no longer include “compliance actions†like tweet deletion or countries where users or tweets are removed by government request.
4 December 2019, 11:43:35 PM |
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2610. RT
@Myro_0 I request that every single one of you reads this statement by the Lebanese Psychiatric Society and shares it too to spread awareness. #Suicide #LebanonProtests #لبنان__ينتÙض
8 December 2019, 11:49:26 AM |
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