Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0752 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2611. RT @Pinboard My opinion on the turnout figures (which get debated for every march) is that the exact number doesn't really matter. The question being settled was whether Hong Kongers would flood the city, or if the appetite for protest is slackening. We got an unequivocal answer. twitter.com/KongTsungGan/s…
>  8 December 2019, 2:04:42 PM | LINK | Filed in
2612. RT @Naparstek Thoughts and prayers but zero regulatory action to get extra-large, overpowered, gas-burning motor vehicles off of NYC streets or to identify habitually reckless drivers and remove them from the transportation system before they cause harm. Just like Republicans on gun control. twitter.com/nycmayor/statu…
>  8 December 2019, 5:28:28 PM | LINK | Filed in
2613. RT @AOC If Republicans were willing to scrutinize billionaires *half* as much as they scrutinize people on food stamps, this country would be a much better place.
>  8 December 2019, 6:43:02 PM | LINK | Filed in
2614. RT @RBReich So let me get this straight: we can afford a $1.9T tax cut for the wealthy and corporations, but can’t afford $5.5B to make sure 700,000 Americans on SNAP don’t go hungry.
>  8 December 2019, 11:48:24 PM | LINK | Filed in
2615. RT @jwyg @n_srnck @shoshanazuboff @couldrynick @richardrogers @evgenymorozov @shannonmattern @katecrawford @geoplace @NoortjeMarres @AINowInstitute @Autonomy_UK @TowardsFairWork @FairTaxMark @IPPR @Cmmonwealth @NewLeftReview Plus graphic from a recent project from @densitydesign on the "physical internet" and associated infrastructures, data centres, exchange points and submarine cables: densitydesign.github.io/teaching-dd15/…
>  9 December 2019, 2:26:47 PM | LINK | Filed in
2616. RT @ScottHech Today, I argued to a judge that a young man I represent shouldn't do time in prison because he'd come out more damaged than when he went in. That prison wouldn't serve any value of Justice. He looked shocked. "But you could say that for any one going to prison!" Me: "Exactly."
>  10 December 2019, 2:24:37 PM | LINK | Filed in
2617. RT @darren_cullen Poster spotted on the overground. Download printable files from toriesout.co.uk and/or contribute to leaflet printing and postage costs. 40,000 leaflets have gone out to marginal constituencies so far #toriesout #gtto #jc4pm #billionares #billionairepress
>  11 December 2019, 10:52:34 PM | LINK | Filed in
2618. RT @VickyOsterweil The most common spontaneous action of resistance to the Great Depression was mass looting of groceries, department stores, even restaurants. Contemporaneous writing on the Depression describes this practice as nationwide, common and widespread, but we'll never know its extent 1/3 twitter.com/v1ck_mendoza/s…
>  12 December 2019, 12:47:33 PM | LINK | Filed in
2619. RT @paulibyron Lucie Chateau on depression memes - a mobilisation of affect, trying to express something that can't be put into words, a sense of digital catharsis, a millennial condition, from earnestness to irony. See also: tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.108… by @kristineask & @wishcrys #digint19
>  12 December 2019, 2:40:19 PM | LINK | Filed in
2620. RT @nxthompson One reason ads on social media polarizes us? It is, quite literally, more expensive to run advertisements that reach people who don't already agree with you. @GiladEdelman wired.com/story/facebook…
>  14 December 2019, 1:16:55 PM | LINK | Filed in

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