Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0777 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2641. RT @anthonyvclark20 A lot of talk about the military draft. our government will never have to bring the draft back because generational poverty has taken its place. military offers housing, healthcare, & education. Preying on the most vulnerable who wealthy use for war Poverty is the draft
>  4 January 2020, 6:51:27 PM | LINK | Filed in
2642. RT @mashabani In the 36 hrs since the targeted US assassination of Soleimani, almost every media request I've received has been singularly focused on "how/when will Iran hit back?" Not one word abt legality of killing senior officials of other govts. Media is performing *worse* than in 2002.
>  4 January 2020, 9:57:26 PM | LINK | Filed in
2643. RT @onekade The police in Portland, Maine are opposing a ban on face surveillance on the grounds that they want to be able to use it to identify people at protests. Not joking. centralmaine.com/2020/01/06/por…
>  6 January 2020, 6:39:18 PM | LINK | Filed in
2644. RT @Delafina777 have we talked about how cities plant only male trees and there aren't enough female trees to trap pollen and that's one of the reasons everyone's allergies have been getting worse why are you sneezing? tree sexism reality continues to be more absurd than fiction twitter.com/WendiAarons/st…
>  6 January 2020, 9:59:25 PM | LINK | Filed in
2645. RT @Travis_Waldron The Washington Post published a gigantic investigation about how the last two decades of war were based on total lies like six whole weeks ago.
>  8 January 2020, 3:47:23 AM | LINK | Filed in
2646. RT @LailaLalami The reason we find ourselves at this juncture today is that not one of the architects of the Iraq war, nor the media personalities who enabled them, have faced any consequences for what they've done.
>  8 January 2020, 7:09:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
2647. RT @jaybeware It is amazing that the *criminal* thing in our society is feeding oneself and seeking shelter. The totally normal super legal thing is a company hording trillions of dollars of wealth, food, and shelter. twitter.com/ABC/status/121…
>  9 January 2020, 4:36:35 PM | LINK | Filed in
2648. RT @JoshDeanNYC This is so terrifying and will absolutely destroy trust once homeless folks learn this is happening. We don’t need to track every homeless person who we don’t have housing for. Again, the problem is not finding people. We need to build housing for them. nbcnewyork.com/news/local/new…
>  10 January 2020, 1:26:11 PM | LINK | Filed in
2649. RT @Michelle_Mc_G At my first trial my client’s was fully acquitted after spending 2years at Rikers on $5k bail. My family and friends were shocked to discover he had no recourse, that no one would compensate for two years of his life lost. The public really does not get the horror of bail. twitter.com/JohnFPfaff/sta…
>  10 January 2020, 1:16:21 PM | LINK | Filed in
2650. RT @_waleedshahid Excellent read on the most recent elections in Spain. “It vows to strengthen job security and unions, raise the minimum wage and taxes on the wealthy, pass a climate-change law, and introduce free, universal public child care.” thenation.com/article/spain-…
>  10 January 2020, 3:15:01 PM | LINK | Filed in

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