Write On Stomach
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2651. RT
@uwu_uwu_mo Artists of HK (and friends!) - a #HongKong art thread
Thread of some of the HK artists & friends abroad who've been making protest art over the last few months, on Twitter, IG and Facebook. List in no particular order. Let me know if there are more to add!
11 January 2020, 1:29:44 PM |
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2652. RT
@Josmar_Trujillo One of the most overlooked contributions of #SwipeItForward is that it lays the groundwork for a once impossible idea – free pubic transportation in NYC – to seem less & less impossible. Every time NYers are swiped, they are experiencing it themselves.
15 January 2020, 8:50:53 PM |
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2653. RT
@nathanvtan Organizing doesn’t start with a college education. It doesn’t start at wokeness. It doesn’t start on social media.
It starts when your love for people impacted by violence overwhelms you to do anything to see them free.
15 January 2020, 11:45:14 PM |
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2654. RT
@arjunsethi81 The National Security Act has been reauthorized in Delhi.
Police can detain people without charge for 12 months & deny them a lawyer.
The law is based on British era code that allowed for preventive detention. Modi wants to be the new colonial master.
18 January 2020, 4:08:17 PM |
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2655. RT
@JaneKim This is the most uplifting news on #MLKDay.
We can win when we organize.
We stand on the shoulders of mothers who fight for their families + win for all of us. #Moms4Housing @nikki4oakland
21 January 2020, 4:35:10 AM |
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2656. RT
@darren_cullen While researching the depressing phenomena of sponsored Scout badges for @MuseumofNeolib, I checked to see if the same thing happened with Girl Guides.
Was heartening to find that instead of sponsors, they've badges for campaigning on political/social issues, inc. #PeriodPoverty
23 January 2020, 12:37:07 PM |
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2657. RT
@jonfavs Anyone wonder why the stories are already being framed as “Democrats fail to persuade Republicans on witnesses and documents†as opposed to “Republicans risk backlash by defying public opinion on witnesses and documents�
25 January 2020, 3:00:24 AM |
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2658. RT
@seldo The people have spoken:
Here starts a thread of all 370 Apache Software Foundation top-level projects and what they do, taken from the list at https://t.co/482q8Cj76l
There will be 1 post per day on average, if I miss days I'll catch up.
26 January 2020, 1:03:03 AM |
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2659. RT
@kmontenegro Only folks who don't know the history of SCOTUS expect justice from SCOTUS...while courts matter, let's leverage their failures to organize.
27 January 2020, 8:59:26 PM |
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2660. RT
@nwmalinowski Low key one reason NYPD commissioner is keen on judicial discretion is that they cannot have a rigid system for when cops break the law. There has to be a way to keep cops out of jail no matter what they do, and judicial discretion is the key to that.
28 January 2020, 8:35:27 PM |
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