Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1117 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2681. RT
@jasonhickel On Feb 7, temperatures in the Antarctic reached a record high of 18.3C. Today it reached over 20C.
Scientists describe it as "incredible and abnormal." “We are seeing the warming trend in many sites, but we have never seen anything like this."
13 February 2020, 10:44:09 PM |
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14 February 2020, 2:59:19 PM |
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2683. RT
@Ilhan No one should have a billion dollars while another goes hungry in the streets.
14 February 2020, 2:47:13 PM |
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2684. RT
@FILWD Reflections while teaching InfoVis for the zillionth time. The pedagogy of vis is heavily skewed towards accurately representing quantitative information. Fine. But there are a couple of fundamental notions we do not seem to spend enough time on. 1/
14 February 2020, 3:37:40 PM |
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2685. RT
@EdConwaySky This is a story about a chart. A pretty astonishing chart. A chart that has all sorts of consequences, including misleading ministers, distorting our view on the nature of the UK economy and creating a genuine mystery about what's going on in the bowels of the UK economy
14 February 2020, 8:36:19 PM |
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2686. RT
@bykenarmstrong For so long, the conventional wisdom in investigative reporting was: Don't let the world know what you're working on until you publish.
But as @propublica's engagement team has shown—thru one powerhouse story after another—that convention needed some serious rethinking.
15 February 2020, 4:34:54 PM |
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2687. RT
@lindsayballant Sneak peek 👀 I have ELEVEN (11!) new pins that’ll be ready to ship out next week, available on
lionsrising.us! More to come, as graphic design continues to be my passion
18 February 2020, 12:17:31 PM |
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18 February 2020, 2:01:45 PM |
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2689. RT
@random_walker Much of automated decision making is statistics, but is misidentified as computer science by both proponents and critics. This isn’t mere academic territory marking: when we undervalue statisticians, we lose out on a cautious approach that pauses to ask if this stuff even works.
19 February 2020, 2:29:10 PM |
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2690. RT
@ThamKhaiMeng Japanese newspaper uses Augmented Reality to show animated charts. Great fun working on this.Â
ht @page_eco
19 February 2020, 3:38:31 PM |
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