twitter is lazy

Found 3599 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1149 seconds for twitter or is or lazy.
2701. RT @FridaGhitis People are paying attention, and they know what they are seeing…
>  18 July 2019, 2:36:05 AM | LINK | Filed in
2702. is a GitHub repository documenting collective actions by workers in the tech industry around the world — to spark insights on trends in worker power and forge connections between struggles.
>  18 July 2019, 1:57:23 PM | LINK | Filed in
2703. RT @ndiakopoulos This is an example of an ethical analysis Microsoft uses for new products #MSFTFacSumm
>  18 July 2019, 8:43:54 PM | LINK | Filed in
2704. RT @nyclawgrrrl This week, the Philadelphia Police Department is expected to begin the process of firing police officers who made racist or offensive Facebook posts. "As many as 13 officers were expected to be suspended with intent to dismiss beginning Friday."…
>  18 July 2019, 10:55:02 PM | LINK | Filed in
2705. RT @lainnafader “There is this idea that most blacks were lynched because they did something untoward to a young woman. That’s not true. Most black men were lynched between 1890 and 1920 because whites wanted their land.”…
>  19 July 2019, 1:03:54 AM | LINK | Filed in
2706. RT @AOC Dow, a chemical company, gave $1 million to Trump‘s inauguration. Now one of their chemicals, which is known to cause brain damage in children, conveniently won’t be banned by Trump’s EPA. @MikeLevinCA has the story linked ⬇️…
>  19 July 2019, 3:04:59 PM | LINK | Filed in
2707. RT @ScottHech PEOPLE: The heatwave is so bad the Mayor has declared a city-wide emergency & cancelled all events. Rikers is far hotter than it is outside. Our clients report deadly conditions & retaliation by turning off fans to make it hotter. This is torture. This inhumane. Pay attention.…
>  19 July 2019, 7:56:59 PM | LINK | Filed in
2708. RT @shanahanlawprof Credit to the county's child welfare agency for telling the school district to knock it off. But is this ever an example of how deeply fines and fees are intertwined in our legal system and serve to perpetuate outrageous economic injustice. cc: @FinesandFeesJC…
>  19 July 2019, 7:45:02 PM | LINK | Filed in
2709. RT @somebitsLinks India's Muslim purge This is what a serious purge of a religious minority looks like; in Assam, India…
>  20 July 2019, 4:36:13 PM | LINK | Filed in
2710. RT @Pinboard The debate on whether money is better spent in space or here at home should acknowledge that the spiraling cost of the Vietnam war was the main reason the space program withered after Apollo. Vietnam cost about $1T in 2018 dollars; Apollo cost $153B. Wars are expensive!
>  20 July 2019, 6:22:29 PM | LINK | Filed in

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