Write On Stomach
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2741. RT
@leilanifarha I never thought I'd have to tell a City - with thousands of empty hotel rooms - that providing parking spaces for homeless ppl to sleep on is NOT consistent with a #StayHomeSaveLives policy and is, in fact, a death sentence.
This job has its low moments.
30 March 2020, 11:29:04 PM |
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2742. RT
@grahamvsworld My 5yo stormed out of my office when i told him i had to do a meeting. He was very mad that i couldn't look at his crafts like i did yesterday. I tried to explain that it was Monday and I had to work, and he yelled "Monday isn't real" on the way out. I'm still just sitting here.
1 April 2020, 12:53:59 PM |
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2743. RT
@pronounced_ing Our neighborhood is doing a “bear huntâ€â€”putting stuffed toys in windows for kids to spot while out on (socially distanced) walks. I’m really touched by how many there were on just a short walk.
2 April 2020, 7:33:12 PM |
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3 April 2020, 2:05:14 PM |
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2745. RT
@MarkLevineNYC Michigan has just started reporting on coronavirus cases by race.
African Americans are 14% of that state's population but 40% of deaths.
This pandemic is reflecting--and exacerbating--inequality.
NYC should publish this data as well, so we get the picture here.
4 April 2020, 2:13:34 PM |
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2746. RT
@bykenarmstrong Reporter @EricEyre did big stories at a small paper. With a 6-year-old Acer, in a press room with 2 rat traps, he took on 3 giant drug companies—and won.
If small newspapers are no more, this is what we’ll lose.
For @newyorker
4 April 2020, 5:13:31 PM |
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2747. RT
@womensart1 “Mask-trees“ have been cropping up around the Czech Republic as a form of solidarity. Volunteers are making cloth masks at home and hanging them on “mask-trees†for anyone in need #womensart #Covid_19
5 April 2020, 2:14:01 PM |
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2748. RT
@sawdustbear Artnet did not publish this segment of my interview, amongst others that were on the snarkier side, but I am reposting it because I am tired of the exhortation to be creative and make art in the middle of all this.
6 April 2020, 10:17:27 PM |
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9 April 2020, 2:33:32 PM |
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2750. RT
@JoshuaGrubbsPhD Easily one of the best social distancing ads I’ve seen
9 April 2020, 8:49:44 PM |
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