Write On Stomach
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2811. RT
@en_dash Bill Bunge's Fitzgerald is now available free digitally. Published in the wake of the 1967 Detroit uprisings, it's one of the most extraordinary combinations of historical geography and cartography to examine social justice in urban America.
3 June 2020, 8:33:23 PM |
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2812. RT
@backspace The NYPD has a “secret†budget hiding in plain sight: on the Comptroller’s website
checkbook.nyc, a number of vendors are redacted for “privacy / security†reasons. The NYPD paid these secret vendors $34.5M in FY19. (1/3)
3 June 2020, 10:03:38 PM |
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2813. RT
@baphometadata I love that multiple police departments just got slammed with a hardcore AWS bill because they all deployed the same poorly written app for snitching on protesters and it got flooded with kpop videos that weren't vetted or stored correctly.
Bad devops is antifa praxis now.
3 June 2020, 10:46:39 PM |
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2814. RT
@ra wow i hope no one does something like: ffmpeg -t 1000 -s 640x480 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 25 -i /dev/urandom bday.mpeg and generates gigabytes of random noise to upload that would be really disrespectful
5 June 2020, 1:24:03 AM |
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2815. RT
@WantonFlaneur You can’t abolish the police in America! Wait ... sort of did once! New York’s first police force was dissolved in 1857 after a riot over political corruption stemming from a dispute about Hamlet. The entire saga is representative of the ridiculousness of American policing.
5 June 2020, 10:25:17 AM |
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2816. RT
@Rachel_Chason Local muralists and city staff are painting “Black Lives Matter†in massive letters here on 16th Street in front of the White House
5 June 2020, 1:25:15 PM |
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5 June 2020, 9:35:01 PM |
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2818. RT
@Josmar_Trujillo NYPD you geniuses, in one week you've managed to create a generation of activists that will hound you for years. As usual, police are the best organizers.
5 June 2020, 10:20:14 PM |
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2819. RT
@acnewsitics The fastest way to reform the police is to take 100% of the money paid out in lawsuits involving police abuse directly from the police pension fund.
Right now there are no consequences for their actions other than the very rare occasion when one is held accountable for a murder.
6 June 2020, 12:46:43 PM |
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2820. RT
@socialistdogmom personally, if i bit into thousands of bad apples in one week, i would no longer have any interest in paying for apples.
6 June 2020, 12:42:52 PM |
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