Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0946 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2851. RT
@Josh_Moon I had a police chief tell me once that the militarization of police forces would ultimately be their downfall, because it shifts the mindset of the avg cop from public servant to soldier fighting an enemy.
He was trying to stop it. He got fired.
15 June 2020, 3:55:46 PM |
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2852. RT
@natematias Was Michael Brown's death a "key event" followed by increased news coverage of black people killed by police? To find out, we studied news on 343 unarmed black people killed by US police over 2.5 years in 1,124 outlets. After Brown, the chance of coverage went from 40% to 64%
15 June 2020, 4:51:27 PM |
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2853. RT
@LegalAidNYC #BREAKING: We are calling on â¦@NYCMayorâ© to immediately make available NYPD disciplinary records on the City’s Open Data Portal. Police Secrecy Law 50-a is no more, and the City has a responsibility to ensure that all NYers have access to this info.
15 June 2020, 11:01:09 PM |
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2854. RT
@nytgraphics In the print edition of Tuesday’s NYTimes: an 8-page special section on the Black Lives Matter protests that have swept across the country, with photos from all 50 states and a 2-page map and table showing 2,000+ locations where protests were held.
16 June 2020, 4:43:28 PM |
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2855. RT
@cubosh you ever see a church sign writer go supernova
18 June 2020, 3:11:39 PM |
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2856. RT
@mattbc The Americans With Disabilities Act was signed into law 30 years ago. Federal law requires accessibility from the start. You don't, as a matter of civil rights law, get to roll out an inaccessible feature and then, only later, make it accessible.
18 June 2020, 5:22:18 PM |
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2857. RT
@Ecmoy hello! i made a bot that you can text and will recommend a title of a book written by a black author based on genre. it will also link you to a black-owned bookstore that is selling the title. text (409) 404-0403 to try it :)
19 June 2020, 12:38:58 AM |
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19 June 2020, 12:18:47 PM |
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19 June 2020, 5:25:30 PM |
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20 June 2020, 4:02:32 AM |
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