Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0781 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2871. RT
@ckoettl Our latest Visual Investigation reconstructs how @PhillyPolice violated its own use-of-force guidelines by using tear gas & pepper spray on a nonviolent group of protesters in #Philadelphia, some of whom were trapped on a highway. Watch what happened.
25 June 2020, 2:46:06 PM |
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2872. Second Chance Studios: a nonprofit training and employing formerly incarcerated individuals to operate a digital studio focused on podcasts, video, audio & storytelling
25 June 2020, 5:08:58 PM |
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2873. RT
@SawyerHackett Never would have thought a Tik Tok on qualified immunity would have 575K views
25 June 2020, 6:49:07 PM |
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26 June 2020, 1:31:55 PM |
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2875. RT
@MappingArt The George Floyd/Antiracism Street Art Database is growing fast with close to 450 images. Thanks to everyone who’s sent and uploaded pics. There are still pieces out there on the streets to document. We still need your help!
27 June 2020, 5:41:44 AM |
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2876. RT
@we_are_adg Defund the police, invest in our communities. We must shift away from a model based on institutional racism and violence to one which meets peoples needs and addresses the root cause of crime.
27 June 2020, 8:01:25 PM |
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28 June 2020, 8:39:48 PM |
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2878. RT
@cpan_pevans Someone on IRC points out that since USB-C connectors can detect their orientation, it would be possible to make a double-sided USB flash disk
Label it "Side A" vs "Side B"
29 June 2020, 12:31:15 PM |
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2879. RT
@mrejfox When you map voter removals per registered voter on a county level across the US, Indiana glows red hot, with many counties removing one voter registration for every 4 registered voters.
29 June 2020, 4:38:01 PM |
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2880. RT
@carljackmiller Extremists didn't build huge online followings because they won in the battleground of ideas.
They benefitted from massively preferential algorithmic curation mechanisms, directing countless eyes to anything sufficiently crazy to keep them glued to the platform
30 June 2020, 2:19:00 PM |
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