Write On Stomach
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2891. RT
@AOC See? The rich make the case for prison abolition *for themselves* all the time (and often get it), incl for systemic violence, yet are never deemed “radical.â€
It’s only “radical left†when we ask our legal system to treat normal people 1/10000th of the way it treats the wealthy.
14 July 2020, 8:10:29 PM |
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2892. RT
@seamustuohy A reminder to technologists that localization matters. [Even when you think it couldn't possibly matter.] Back in 2008, bad unicode implementation on a mobile phone led to a double murder!
15 July 2020, 11:09:55 AM |
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2893. RT
@templvr "Full-time minimum wage workers cannot afford a two-bedroom rental anywhere in the U.S. and cannot afford a one-bedroom rental in 95% of U.S. counties"
15 July 2020, 7:18:28 PM |
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16 July 2020, 4:39:16 PM |
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2895. RT
@RianThum China's main map service, Baidu, seems to be blocking satellite and street view for Yarkand, Khotan, & other cities in Xinjiang.
Researchers previously used these tools to document China's internment/assimilation program.
Here's what it looks like when I zoom in on Keriya于田
17 July 2020, 11:16:48 PM |
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18 July 2020, 5:04:25 PM |
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20 July 2020, 9:54:16 PM |
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2898. RT
@lenagroeger We hear a lot about the unemployment rate as one number.
But it’s not: It can be wildly different depending on your age, gender, education, income — and race.
We made a chart that lets you explore each of those variables.
21 July 2020, 8:45:20 PM |
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2899. RT
@ScottHech No way to overstate how significant this is. This will save so many people from arrests, prosecutions, jail, & a criminal record for driving on a suspended license bc they were too poor to pay.
23 July 2020, 10:28:47 AM |
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2900. RT
@womensart1 “Mask-trees“ have been cropping up around the Czech Republic as a form of solidarity. Volunteers are making cloth masks at home and hanging them on “mask-trees†for anyone in need #womensart #Covid_19 #MaskUp
24 July 2020, 11:26:54 AM |
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