Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0796 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2901. RT
@AmyCesal Whenever you put an image of a chart on social media, add alt text to make it accessible.
Here's a simple formula for writing alt text for #dataviz and a few tips on how to add alt tags. #a11y #accessibility
24 July 2020, 11:22:10 AM |
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2902. RT
@joshmich I have a universal health coverage joke but in the U.S. no one gets it.
25 July 2020, 6:48:00 PM |
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2903. RT
@ReporterBlayne Sunrise over the Edmund Pettus bridge. Today, Rep. John Lewis will cross this bridge for the final time.
Honored to cover this moment for @NBCNews. See you soon on @TODAYshow.
26 July 2020, 11:44:57 AM |
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2904. RT
@OnthePrisonLine “Can we just be quiet for a second?â€
Me: “Sure, mind if I ask why?â€
“Just the birds. I can hear all sorts of birds where you are.â€
I held the phone to the closest tree.
It’s the little stuff on the prison line that will break your heart.
27 July 2020, 11:43:11 PM |
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2905. RT
@dancow Love this embedded visual that shows how far you have to scroll on an iPhone to get to the actual search results when googling "alzheimer's disease"
28 July 2020, 2:30:50 PM |
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2906. RT
@saralmdavis Terrible news about our colleagues, anti-discrimination and health rights activists in China, who were quietly and surreptitiously indicted on state subversion charges. #FreeChangsha3 #HumanRights @ngopcb
28 July 2020, 3:40:38 PM |
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2907. RT
@vaspider Me: *just knitting*
My brain: the easiest way to tell that Star Trek was written by white people is they say 'where no one has gone before' but like 90% of the planets they go to are inhabited
29 July 2020, 1:19:28 PM |
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2908. RT
@SatterthwaiteML Don't miss new report from @Global_Witness on murders of #EnvironmentDefenders -- *Average of 4 per week* in 2019. Led by mining, big ag, logging. Defenders were killed for defending the earth we all rely upon. #Solidarity
29 July 2020, 1:58:31 PM |
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2909. RT
@AASchapiro There will be a lot of insider snark on Twitter as the Tech CEOs testify; but it's probably best to focus on the human stakes, from the Amazon workers who's warehouses aren't disinfected for COVID-19, to the Arab LGBT+ folks enduring a wave of lightly moderated hate speech on FB.
29 July 2020, 3:53:17 PM |
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2910. RT
@arizonablueme we should start a movement of college students recording all their courses on Zoom so we can just post it all in a google drive and give higher education to the people
29 July 2020, 11:47:11 PM |
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