Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0806 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
31 July 2020, 11:26:06 AM |
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2912. RT
@laurenfklein Delighted to announce the open access edition of #DataFeminism, by me and @kanarinka! Thanks to @Publicreations and all of the folks at @pubpub and @mitpress for their help in getting the book online.
31 July 2020, 5:12:26 PM |
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2913. RT
@SawyerHackett The violence in Portland stopped the day federal officers left town. Stop saying the protestors are the violent ones.
2 August 2020, 10:32:10 PM |
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2914. RT
@harrisj One of the things that surprises me still is that Google Maps and other navigation apps provide no warnings about dangerous weather conditions. I just plotted a drive to Cape Cod and Google thinks it's a great time to go because the roads are clear!
4 August 2020, 3:07:13 PM |
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2915. RT
@SarahDadouch My street is drenched in darkness. All the windows are blown out and all people inside seem to have left. But one neighbor left a candle in his empty living room and I cannot explain how much calm its small light keeps lending me.
5 August 2020, 12:11:23 AM |
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2916. RT
@SanaSaeed Today marks one years since the siege of Kashmir began and its semi-autonomous status was revoked by the occupied Indian government. In this thread I will share some resources covering what’s happened in the last 365 days & why the future of an entire people & land looks dire.
5 August 2020, 12:37:39 PM |
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7 August 2020, 2:58:19 PM |
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2918. RT
@OnthePrisonLine Discussing Marxist theory from my friend in solitary confinement with someone and said, “Man, I wish you could talk to him but he only gets fifteen minutes twice a month†and the words choked in my throat.
This thing that we do... it should never, ever be done.
8 August 2020, 4:54:36 PM |
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2919. RT
@jillianteaching I cannot begin to explain how infuriating it is to be told that teachers and schools are responsible for supporting the economy, when the economy has never supported our teachers and schools. Like not even once.
8 August 2020, 11:59:47 PM |
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2920. RT
@wsisaac Maybe more PhD students need unions? My grad school had one of the best dental insurance packages. It was better than the benefits at my prior (salaried) job. However, we got this because our grad student union fought the university for comprehensive health benefits.
10 August 2020, 1:48:13 AM |
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