Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0826 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
2941. RT
@ContiCook It’s almost like prosecutors and courts have been sitting on decades of police misconduct and still pretending like they uphold the law. When really police have just enjoyed a monopoly on breaking it.
24 August 2020, 7:14:31 PM |
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2942. The Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer uses machine learning to measure who is on the news and what they talk about, leveraging computer vision to detect faces and identify public figures to examine news coverage patterns.
25 August 2020, 7:26:54 PM |
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2943. Watched the @Netflix Connected episode on Benford’s Law with my 11-year-old. @latifnasser you have officially blown her mind. She is still parading around the house, “Oh wow! Oh wow! The same pattern?! Volcanos! The UNIVERSE! I need to text all my friends! This is just… WOW!â€
26 August 2020, 1:23:24 AM |
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26 August 2020, 3:11:35 PM |
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2945. RT
@Oniropolis My latest piece for The Atlantic is on the importance of vernacular architecture/historical preservation, & the dangers of 'placeless' corporate architecture severing our connections to our surroundings. Its an issue as much about the future as the past
26 August 2020, 4:57:56 PM |
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2946. RT
@tamaranopper Former student reading political books said they had to make peace w/being politically late. I said, you’re right on time and noted Ruth Wilson Gilmore: “The power of literacy to make us fit for struggle should be exercised like a muscle, not waved around like a membership card.â€
27 August 2020, 3:12:33 PM |
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2947. RT
@nwbtcw Fred Hampton on the Free Breakfast Program:
"A lot of people think the Breakfast for Children program is charity. But what does it do? It takes the people from a stage to another stage. Any program that's revolutionary is an advancing program."
31 August 2020, 11:34:59 AM |
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2948. RT
@OnthePrisonLine "We won and everything, but everybody cheers the loudest when the ball goes over the razor fence. Guys go nuts. Like look at him go! He made it! He made it!! A ball on parole!"
-JG, talking Saturday softball in prison.
Freedom >
31 August 2020, 1:44:40 PM |
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2949. RT
@CarolineYLChen What's behind the coronavirus databacklog in Texas? In part, "an errant question mark in one data field prevented about 354,000 test results from transferring to the state’s system."
texastribune.org/2020/08/27/cor… via @TexasTribune
1 September 2020, 3:24:02 PM |
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2950. RT
@Plain_Janie After spending almost 20 years mourning the 2,700 lives lost on 9/11, we are being told that 180,000 deaths from COVID is honestly not that big a deal
1 September 2020, 7:24:28 PM |
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