Write On Stomach
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2971. RT
@ScottHech The $635 million NYC taxpayers will pay in just overtime in 2020 for NYPD officers could instead house every single one of the 14k homeless families now living in NYC. And then pay a year’s worth of rent for 7k families out of work and at risk of eviction because of the pandemic.
13 September 2020, 11:42:11 AM |
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13 September 2020, 5:32:41 PM |
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2973. RT
@Andalalucha Six years ago, 43 students from #Ayotzinapa Teachers College were disappeared. The head of intelligence in México at the time, Tomás Zeron, tortured witnesses, tampered evidence, facilitating their disappearance. Today he was found on the run in Israel and will be extradited.
14 September 2020, 3:39:17 PM |
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2974. RT
@CNN In 2010, leaders from 196 countries gathered in Japan and agreed on a list of goals designed to save the Earth.
We've reached the deadline -- and the world has collectively failed to fully achieve a single goal, according to a UN report.
17 September 2020, 11:54:13 AM |
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17 September 2020, 12:35:05 PM |
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17 September 2020, 9:14:15 PM |
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2977. RT
@FinesandFeesJC *Big news* Hawaii just became the 10th state to stop restricting access to driver's licenses due to unpaid court fines and fees. Let's keep up the national momentum! 🚗
Find out where your state stands on the freedom to drive at:
freetodrive.org/maps https://t.co/KVZ1264gRp
17 September 2020, 11:23:52 PM |
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2978. RT
@mrnickharvey Dad’s ability to improvise and compose beautiful melodies on the fly has always amazed me.
Tonight, I gave him four random notes as a starting point.
Although his dementia is getting worse, moments like this bring him back to me.
18 September 2020, 2:02:55 PM |
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20 September 2020, 3:48:50 PM |
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2980. RT
@sdbernard Animation showing how smoke from the wildfires on the west coast of the US is affecting areas as far away as New York, and even northern Europe
Read @FinancialTimes' @lesliehook's fascinating article
@QGIS #gistribe #dataviz #ddj
20 September 2020, 5:32:50 PM |
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