Write On Stomach
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2981. RT
@juliaferraioli Just so we're clear, technology can be racist, data can be racist, machine learning can be racist, and the people building on top of all of this can most definitely be racist.
If you're not actively building anti-racist tech, you're likely building racist tech.
20 September 2020, 10:52:16 PM |
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21 September 2020, 2:52:39 PM |
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2983. RT
@ClaraJeffery COVID now 4th largest mass casualty event in US history. Topped only by the Civil War, WWII, 1918 flu pandemic.
22 September 2020, 10:49:39 AM |
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2984. RT
@mk_esq We should all be horrified at the incomprehensibly vast amount of info EVERY cop (& former cop) has access to on their phones. The Domain Awareness System has billions of data points, networks of associates, “predictive†data... all in the hands of people who can’t be trusted.
22 September 2020, 12:27:30 PM |
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2985. RT
@AASchapiro Want to give your dad a quick call everyday to make sure he doesn't have COVID?
If he's in prison, it could cost hundreds a month.
The prison system & for-profit firms split the cash—essentially, a tax on some of the poorest Americans.
ICYMI, my latest:
27 September 2020, 2:51:40 PM |
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2986. RT
@hypervisible First batch out today. Promise to get one to all who replied to initial tweet. (Ring ones are a bonus and I can’t get more)
27 September 2020, 3:23:26 PM |
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2987. RT
@bernardionysius A tour guide took me around the Black Forest once, where Heidegger had his cabin. Which Heidegger celebrated, among other things, as his escape from technological modernity, as an abode of thought, and so on. I noticed how sort of orderly and tame the forest looked. 1/7
27 September 2020, 8:07:36 PM |
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2988. RT
@tadpr0le Hey, remember when the Panama Papers were released and they showed how basically every wealthy person on the planet was avoiding taxes by offshoring their money and nothing was done about it except the reporter who broke the story was murdered with a car bomb?
28 September 2020, 2:25:10 AM |
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28 September 2020, 2:14:32 PM |
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2990. RT
@natematias Haveman argues that America became a "society of organizations" in the 1800s, and that magazines knit together the structures that we now consider basic to modern America.
As we think about how online platforms shape our own time, we could learn much from magazines.
30 September 2020, 12:06:05 AM |
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