Write On Stomach
Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0801 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
3011. RT
@JessieWHChen I’ve been dyeing yarns with random flowers and other dyestuff to experiment with “preserving†memories of events/people/things through colors, due to recent losses of loved ones. 1/
18 October 2020, 5:03:43 PM |
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3012. RT
@jayrosen_nyu Here's a fun thread for journalism junkies, newspaper lovers and history buffs.
I had the help of one of my Twitter followers, @BalanceTheCheck, who collected the names of hundreds of newspapers (The Herald, The Star, The Enquirer, etc.) which he put into a spreadsheet... 1/
18 October 2020, 8:15:21 PM |
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3013. RT
@ninamonday You know what, person on facebook, I did need to hear this
19 October 2020, 11:56:24 AM |
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3014. RT
@akhan1437 Prison doesn’t solve addiction. Every facility I’ve been to had an abundance of drugs. And variety—whatever you want you can get. Most can’t afford drugs. They get high on credit & end up getting beat up, stabbed or killed. I hate that this is the state’s response to recovery.
19 October 2020, 2:08:36 PM |
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3015. RT
@elizejackson One last thought. A flattened image of braille without any sort of description goes beyond appropriation. Touting a braille product in a digital exhibit without any sort of digital access policy is utterly galling.
20 October 2020, 1:40:45 PM |
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3016. RT
@lifewinning fascinated by emerging discourse from foundations and academia on "digital infrastructure" as distinct from "physical infrastructure" & how it shifts the means of production conversation away from like, land ownership and energy use and toward like, who contributes to open source
21 October 2020, 12:43:21 AM |
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3017. In print NYT opinion has its own special place, but on the web opinion and news look almost exactly alike. It may take more than a slug and a compressed headline font to know you’re in a completely different universe. They should really have a more distinct visual identity.
21 October 2020, 2:09:03 AM |
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3018. @Wolfe321 NYT Opinion online could use a different type and color palette, page spacing, ornaments, layout and header from NYT news. Opinion can still be “Timesian†but strongly branded as its own thing to feel like a different place. It would help reinforce the distinction for readers.
21 October 2020, 11:13:22 AM |
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3019. RT
@thornet Learning about adversarial interoperability: when you create a new product that plugs into existing ones without the permission of the companies that make them
via @EthanZ’s new podcast about digital public infrastructure & @doctorow’s helpful explainer:
21 October 2020, 11:46:39 AM |
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21 October 2020, 11:45:55 AM |
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