Write On Stomach

Found 3050 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0908 seconds for Write or On or Stomach.
3021. RT @nwmalinowski In NYC, when you get arrested, NYPD takes your ID and often does not return it if you are incarcerated forcing people into a complicated and cumbersome process of securing identification once they are released. thecity.nyc/2020/10/19/215…
>  21 October 2020, 12:52:10 PM | LINK | Filed in
3022. RT @thegallowboob 70 birds naturally playing guitar in random synchronicity is one of my favorite art expos ever made
>  23 October 2020, 1:45:56 PM | LINK | Filed in
3023. RT @AOC Every single swing-seat House Democrat who endorsed #MedicareForAll won re-election or is on track to win re-election. Every.👏🏽 Single.👏🏽 One.👏🏽
>  7 November 2020, 8:30:43 PM | LINK | Filed in
3024. RT @MsPackyetti A quick note on Florida: Biden lost by about 400K votes. Gov. DeSantis worked VERY hard to maintain the disenfranchisement of the *1.4 million* Formerly incarcerated folks that Florida voters said should have their rights back.
>  6 November 2020, 4:30:07 PM | LINK | Filed in
3025. RT @helenprejean Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey, who put 23 people on death row, has been defeated by DA-Elect George Gascon, a death penalty opponent who will never put anyone on death row, will never request an execution date, and will work to re-sentence those already on death row.
>  5 November 2020, 2:22:05 AM | LINK | Filed in
3026. RT @pdxlawgrrrl Oregon becomes 1st state in the US to decriminalize drug possession. “Oregonians understand that we should be treating drug use as a health issue. It is a huge sledgehammer to the cornerstone of the war on drugs.” - @Kassandra_Fred opb.org/article/2020/1…
>  4 November 2020, 2:58:26 PM | LINK | Filed in
3027. RT @ScottHech Another major bright spot. A Black public defender in New Orleans, Angel Harris, pulled off the impossible and defeated an incumbent to become a new criminal court judge. Bail, sentencing, police accountability. We’ve got a good one folks. twitter.com/AngelForNOLA/s…
>  4 November 2020, 1:52:01 PM | LINK | Filed in
3028. Reform/Transform: A Policing Policy Toolkit to provide local elected officials, policymakers, and organizers with a resource on how to evaluate policing reforms according to a set of standardized criteria across jurisdictions.

Over the course of 2019, they engaged local elected officials and community leaders in a range of communities to evaluate their localities' policing practices using the Reform/Transform toolkit. The first results of the Reform/Transform toolkit were turned into an interactive scorecard on 12 cities: Chicago, Dallas, Durham, Louisville, Madison, Minneapolis, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C.

The results evaluate four areas of policing practices that correspond to the Reform/Transform toolkit: use of force, independent oversight, co-optation of local law enforcement for federal immigration enforcement, and investments in public safety beyond policing.

I designed the web pages, along with a system to output updated templates drawing from Google Sheets of the analyses.

" class="mlpt">Reform Transform Scorecard
>  29 October 2020, 5:21:36 PM | LINK | Filed in
3029. RT @JSCCounterPunch Here's Cockburn's essay on the Bond films, how Ian Fleming helped shaped the OSS & CIA, & how Hollywood became a propaganda tool for the most depraved institutions in government. It's one of my favorite essays by Alex. From our book Serpents in the Garden. counterpunch.org/2020/10/30/the…
>  31 October 2020, 3:29:49 PM | LINK | Filed in
3030. RT @rezahakbari In a satirical song, Iranians ask Americans to take the election seriously as it may have more of an impact on their lives than U.S. citizens. “Hey, Joseph, Thomas, Laura! We don’t know why, but your vote affects us more than you.” #Iran #2020Elections
>  31 October 2020, 4:35:13 PM | LINK | Filed in

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