phone e geodeta
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3041. RT
@lara_korte My roommate, who teaches 6th graders, has informed me that middle schoolers have started carrying around “reverse†cards from Uno, so anytime someone insults them they bust out the card and “reverse†the burn.
Cutting. edge. innovation.

20 February 2019, 7:53:10 PM |
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3042. RT
@MichaelBloch15 Judges and DAs everywhere need to see this report. Philly DA stopped asking for bail on low-level crimes. Report found “no effect on failure to appear [in court], on violent offending, or on recidivism.†Philly defendants’ court-appearance rate in 2018 was highest in a decade.…

21 February 2019, 12:11:40 AM |
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3043. @Intelatin Take a look at @OpenSecretsDC. They have good data on presidential and congressional election funding since 2000:

21 February 2019, 2:53:03 AM |
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3044. RT
@tinea10 Found a sad note attached to an empty gallon today. It said, thank you for the water, I came here for a dream but I lost the trail. Dated weeks ago. #WaterNotWalls #NoBorderWall @NoMoreDeaths

21 February 2019, 4:04:32 PM |
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3045. RT
@BrooklynSpoke Why do people who use placards illegally get three strikes before having them confiscated while people who use illegal e-bikes have them impounded immediately? I thought the mayor's justification for the e-bike crackdown was that "the law is the law."

21 February 2019, 9:03:29 PM |
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3046. TIL the scripts, languages, legends and history of Middle-earth were a nationalist project. J. R. R. Tolkien, a professor of Anglo-Saxon, hoped to fill a void he believed was caused by the Norman conquest and its effects on the language, culture, and customs of England.

21 February 2019, 11:28:24 PM |
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3047. RT
@nitashatiku As part of the policy change, Google told me it will also let employees pursue ~class action lawsuits~. (before, employees were subject to a class action waiver.)
this is a big deal!! historically, class action is the vehicle for social change…

22 February 2019, 12:29:26 AM |
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3048. RT
@shannon_h In Chicago, 911 gets about 150 calls a day for mental health help. Police respond to those calls- which sometimes end in arrests or shootings. How often do police actually need to get sent out? And what could the city do instead? (THREAD)…

22 February 2019, 4:51:43 PM |
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3049. RT
@davidakaye if @YouTube (or any other platform) had a human rights standard instead of an entirely discretionary & vague policy on 'dangerous & harmful' content, it could potentially take action against anti-vax as necessary to protect public health. it's right there in #ICCPR article 19.…

23 February 2019, 12:54:15 PM |
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3050. RT
@nytimesworld The race is on to memorialize the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan before survivors pass away. Historians have recorded troves of oral histories, a number of which are displayed at the world’s first museum dedicated to that era.

23 February 2019, 12:49:34 PM |
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