text to speech TTS

Found 5343 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0810 seconds for text or to or speech or TTS.
3481. RT @jmj Product has been glorified. What they don't tell you: 1. Your job is to say "no" to distracting ideas. People will often be frustrated with you. 2. When things break, you're accountable. Get ready to bite the bullet. 3. Designing new products is a small part of what you'll do.
>  28 November 2018, 1:44:17 PM | LINK | Filed in
3482. RT @tef_ebooks the people who talk about 80hr weeks and 10x engineers are just trying to rebrand unpaid overtime as masculinity
>  28 November 2018, 5:20:52 PM | LINK | Filed in
3483. RT @histoftech One thing I wish academics talked about more openly: Prestigious institutions are conservative institutions. They may employ some radicals, but these institutions are not going to support anything that causes them to lose their power. They're firmly on the side of the status quo.
>  28 November 2018, 9:43:11 PM | LINK | Filed in
3484. RT @NicoleAustinHil Cervical cancer care is individual, but the crisis isn’t. Alabama has the highest rate of cervical cancer death in the US. A new @hrw report documents the systemic injustices and barriers that lead to women dying from this preventable & treatable disease. bit.ly/2BEJ1xi
>  29 November 2018, 1:02:54 PM | LINK | Filed in
3485. RT @DanyaChaikel An Argentinian prosecutor has agreed to pursue a case against #SaudiArabia‘s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, over possible #warcrimes in Yemen, according to @hrw independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
>  29 November 2018, 5:40:31 PM | LINK | Filed in
3486. RT @rabble Fascinating look at the way we view public transportation in US cities. Despite the crazy high cost in comparison to other developed countries, some cities do much better jobs than others. twitter.com/DonaldShoup/st…
>  29 November 2018, 6:42:09 PM | LINK | Filed in
3487. RT @UdiACLU This is amazing. ⁦👏👏👏@njdotcom⁩ created the most comprehensive database I’ve ever seen on police use of force. It found that 10% of officers accounted for 38% of uses of force; Black people were 3x likelier to suffer from police force than whites force.nj.com
>  29 November 2018, 8:51:06 PM | LINK | Filed in
3488. RT @MollzMP Appreciated @MonaChalabi's thoughtful comments about public reactions to this viz. After the viz was published she was reminded that not all men have penises & not everyone with a penis identifies as male. She's thoughtfully searching for alternatives. #tapestryconf @tapestryconf
>  30 November 2018, 1:17:06 PM | LINK | Filed in
3489. RT @TaranaBurke This is my first TED Talk. I spent weeks fretting over what to say until I realized that I could just tell the truth. This work is hard and tiring. And its often unrewarding. But it is the most necessary endeavor. I'm dedicating this to other survivors and activists. #wegonmakeit twitter.com/TEDTalks/statu…
>  1 December 2018, 2:57:52 PM | LINK | Filed in
3490. RT @jeremyscahill George HW Bush systematically attacked the civilian infrastructure in Iraq. He turned hospitals into death rows for infants. He widely used depleted uranium, causing cancer rates to skyrocket. He made Iraq a mass graveyard. And the killing hasn’t stopped since.
>  1 December 2018, 3:44:18 PM | LINK | Filed in

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