phone e geodeta

Found 4305 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1176 seconds for phone or e or geodeta.
4141. RT @hknightsf My latest: Jeffrey Choate was trained in prison to fight fires, but now that he’s been released, he’s not allowed to become a firefighter because of his criminal record. Even as wildfires rage in his home state. It’s a ridiculous Catch-22 that must end.…
>  29 August 2020, 11:09:20 PM | LINK | Filed in
4142. RT @davidminpdx “We’re spending good money to be lied to.” This piece is a breakthrough in criminal justice reporting. It examines. as a pattern and practice, the way police PR departments manipulate the press and mislead the public.…
>  31 August 2020, 8:58:07 AM | LINK | Filed in
4143. RT @OnthePrisonLine "We won and everything, but everybody cheers the loudest when the ball goes over the razor fence. Guys go nuts. Like look at him go! He made it! He made it!! A ball on parole!" -JG, talking Saturday softball in prison. Freedom >
>  31 August 2020, 1:44:40 PM | LINK | Filed in
4144. RT @harrisj *slaps roof of existential dread jar* This bad boy can hold so much fear and despair in it!
>  31 August 2020, 10:42:02 PM | LINK | Filed in
4145. RT @AmericasComic This is a poster from the Black Panthers and honestly I think about it a lot and it deeply effects how I approach activism and my thoughts about "work." I always boil it down to a mantra "there's no such thing as a 'jobless rate'."
>  1 September 2020, 12:03:30 PM | LINK | Filed in
4146. RT @CarolineYLChen What's behind the coronavirus databacklog in Texas? In part, "an errant question mark in one data field prevented about 354,000 test results from transferring to the state’s system."… via @TexasTribune
>  1 September 2020, 3:24:02 PM | LINK | Filed in
4147. RT @Snowden Seven years ago, as the news declared I was being charged as a criminal for speaking the truth, I never imagined that I would live to see our courts condemn the NSA's activities as unlawful and in the same ruling credit me for exposing them. And yet that day has arrived.…
>  2 September 2020, 8:17:44 PM | LINK | Filed in
4148. RT @lpolgreen When I was a teenager my family was evicted. It is perhaps the most shattering thing that can happen to a person. This will destroy people's lives.…
>  3 September 2020, 3:34:48 PM | LINK | Filed in
4149. RT @astradisastra One of my recent text exchanges with David Graeber. I complimented his prose, which is always as pleasurable to read as it is illuminating. His response is classic David. Writing well--meaning accessibly, invitingly--is a political act.
>  4 September 2020, 12:36:06 PM | LINK | Filed in
4150. RT @rmack Apple has a new human rights policy in which it finally makes an explicit commitment to freedom of speech and to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights… via @financialtimes
>  4 September 2020, 1:15:20 PM | LINK | Filed in

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