text to speech TTS

Found 5343 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0762 seconds for text or to or speech or TTS.
4551. RT @loudblkgrl There is a YouTube video titled How to Unzip A Compressed File Folder. It has 410k views. Go on and write your blog, girl. Somebody wants to see it.
>  31 December 2019, 2:48:42 PM | LINK | Filed in
4552. RT @JustinElliott New: Following our TurboTax stories, IRS has finally scrapped its almost 20-year pledge to not compete with the tax prep industry. Under new deal, Intuit et al also now barred from hiding Free File versions from Google w/ robots tag propublica.org/article/irs-re…
>  31 December 2019, 8:12:12 PM | LINK | Filed in
4553. RT @AvinashSamarth I have personally witnessed NYC prosecutors coerce hundreds of people to plead guilty at arraignments on misdemeanor criminal charges by threatening bail that people could not afford. Tonight, New York abolishes bail for the charges they used that on the most.
>  1 January 2020, 2:53:06 AM | LINK | Filed in
4554. RT @greenhousenyt Why a Google spreadsheet was the most powerful tool for labor in 2019 Workers used the spreadsheet data to negotiate raises. Entire museum departments have sat down & reassessed their pay scales, sometimes to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. inquirer.com/business/googl…
>  1 January 2020, 6:06:45 PM | LINK | Filed in
4555. RT @uscourts Starting Jan. 1, 2020, the quarterly fee waiver for PACER users will double to $30. More than 75 percent of users accessing court records will pay no fee in a given quarter. go.usa.gov/xVEx4
>  1 January 2020, 9:43:32 PM | LINK | Filed in
4556. RT @gabrielpiemonte The city of Chicago is celebrating legal weed by doubling down in the War on Drugs. So, now that there is a legit, all-white weed sales industry, cops are going to put you in jail for competing with them. Was that the deal we were promised? chicago.suntimes.com/platform/amp/c…
>  2 January 2020, 12:58:59 AM | LINK | Filed in
4557. RT @brooklynPD Ending early in Manhattan night court- no one left ready to arraign. Why? Cops are all on Times Square /NYE duty. Days were NYPD is deployed elsewhere prove that most arrests are manufactured, required by a state apparatus that props up this industry of mass criminalization.
>  2 January 2020, 4:12:13 PM | LINK | Filed in
4558. RT @jasonhickel “The countries that score highest on the Human Development Index also contribute most to ecological breakdown. In this sense, HDI promotes a model of development that is empirically incompatible with ecological stability, and impossible to universalize.” sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
>  3 January 2020, 11:05:45 AM | LINK | Filed in
4559. RT @CourtWatchNYC Everyone arraigned in Manhattan today when court watchers were in court were able to return home to their families, not subject to the emotional and physical abuse of pretrial jailing for the inability to afford bail. We expect to see much more of this in the future. twitter.com/mirandanel/sta…
>  3 January 2020, 3:20:41 PM | LINK | Filed in
4560. RT @QasimRashid So far: •4.0 Earthquake in Los Angeles •Australia is on fire killing 17 people & 480M animals •45 assassinated Iran's #2, & w/o Congress approval •World War 3 is the top trending topic on Twitter We're 2 days in to the new decade Welcome to 2020😳
>  3 January 2020, 5:00:54 PM | LINK | Filed in

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