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Where is the Outrage?

Saw this tonight on Bleeker Street.

Where is the outrage? It’s for sale at Marc Jacobs in the West Village.

There’s also a joke in here about white people, but I can’t seem to find it at the moment.

Otherwise, I do appreciate the sentiment and the public display.

See previous post: Commodify Your Dissent

>  12 April 2006, 12:17:18 AM | LINK | Filed in

Camouflage Shopping Bag

Now on newsstands across NYC is the cover of this week’s Time Out New York, an events and listings rag. The camouflage shopping bag is intended to evoke martial metaphors: tactical tips for your bargain hunting strategy inside.

But it struck me as quite an elegant, visual link between War and The Market!

>  14 April 2006, 7:18:52 AM | LINK | Filed in
>  15 April 2006, 11:45:16 AM | LINK | Filed in

On Tuesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously approved resolution 060442, Peak Oil Plan of Response and Preparation, “acknowledging the challenge of Peak Oil and the need for San Francisco to prepare a plan of response and preparation.”

An SF Informatics / San Francisco Oil Awareness press release notes the role of the U.S. Department of Energy’s own study on peak oil, as well a poster used in its advocacy work:

Peak Oil Poster“Among the high-visibility tools used by the groups is a colorful poster called The Oil Age, created by SF Informatics in association with Global Public Media. The poster traces the history of oil production worldwide and displays relevant energy statistics from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, BP Statistical Review and other industry sources. The poster was hand delivered to dozens of Bay Area elected officials in January, including the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, The Department on the Environment and the Communion on the Environment.

‘The poster is a great way to open up city officials’ doors,’ said David Fridley, a scientist with the Lawrence Berkeley Lab and a member of San Francisco Oil Awareness. ‘It’s a very effective passport into the halls of power because of its polished and professional quality.’ Co-member Jennifer Bresee agrees: ‘Plunking down this poster in front of a supervisor is a lot more effective than trying to explain it in words alone,’ she says.

Copies of The Oil Age poster can be purchased at www.oilposter.org. To date, over 1,600 posters have been donated to teachers worldwide. And thanks to Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, the poster has been distributed to every member of the U.S. Congress.”

>  21 April 2006, 8:48:38 AM | LINK | Filed in
525. State of the Planet A few information graphics for Earth Day from Seed Magazine.
co2 tons
>  21 April 2006, 10:35:29 AM | LINK | Filed in
526. The New Yorkers' Guide to Military Recruitment in the 5 Boroughs “A free 64-page, pocket-sized book including everything a New Yorker needs to know about military recruitment and resources for counter-recruitment in NYC. Profiles of former soldiers sit side-by-side information on the enlistment contract, military myths, the No Child Left Behind Act, action/legal resources, a Harper’s-style index of facts, and much more. At the heart of the book is an opt-out form that students can tear out, fill in, and hand over to their school administrators to prevent their contact information from being released to recruiters.” You can order a copy, pick up a free copy around town, or download a PDF (2.9 MB). (via)
NYC Counter Recruitment Guide NYC Counter Recruitment Guide
>  21 April 2006, 11:52:01 AM | LINK | Filed in
527. Dear Mr. Leno “When you think of gay people, it's funny. They're funny folks.... Gay people, to you, are great material.” Jeff Whitty pens a stinging rebuke.
>  24 April 2006, 6:05:24 AM | LINK | Filed in
528. Dining for Darfur “A fundraiser... at restaurants around New York City (and beyond) on Sunday April 30th, coinciding with the Save Darfur rally in Washington DC. Participating restaurants have agreed to donate 5% of their gross sales for the evening of Sunday April 30th to the International Rescue Committee’s humanitarian relief efforts in Darfur and in the refugee camps in Chad.” Or why not a potluck teach-in?
>  25 April 2006, 1:31:11 PM | LINK | Filed in

This Saturday, April 29, we take to the streets to end the war in Iraq, support immigrant rights and women’s rights, and to oppose war against Iran. I designed a broadsheet that the organizing coalition will distribute. It’s a two-color, tabloid-sized, eight-page booklet in English and Spanish with statements by the organizers, emergency contact info, and maps of the affinity group assembly areas, march route, and peace festival.

It was a challenge giving the different messages equal weight without flattening out the design. Because of the politics of the coalition, this was a big requirement. It was also my first chance to play with the City’s official NYCMAP data, which was fun. The cover image extends the Statue of Liberty image used in the existing flyers, but pushes it back to make it a little more ambient and less iconographic. It was a rush job and stepping back, some of the type treatment feels a little heavy-handed. But I’m otherwise pleased with it. We’ll see how it works on newsprint. Maybe the heaviness is appropriate.

>  27 April 2006, 8:23:36 AM | LINK | Filed in
530. Architectures of Control A blog of structures and designs intended to control or limit the user’s actions. (A kind of “anti-social design notes”?)
>  4 May 2006, 7:24:28 AM | LINK | Filed in

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