twitter is lazy

Found 3599 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1132 seconds for twitter or is or lazy.
631. RT @privacyint We have created a new Twitter bot called @adversarybot. If you follow the bot he will follow you back and share his thoughts about privacy, freedom and humanity with you; and he’ll offer ‘insights’ into who you are, based purely on your published tweets.
>  9 July 2019, 9:54:26 AM | LINK | Filed in

The image is a map of selected CIA aircraft routes between 2001 and 2006, some of which transported prisoners to foreign countries to be interrogated and tortured.

I worked with artist and geographer Trevor Paglen who provided the data. Trevor spent several years tracking down the flight information, and has a book out on his investigations, Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA’s Rendition Flights. See this interview with him on Democracy Now! with co-author, journalist A.C. Thompson.

The map was also published in An Atlas of Radical Cartography, Domus magazine as was displayed at MoMA PS1 and as a public billboard in Los Angeles in September 2006 as part of a series of public art installations about the war. Clockshop, a public arts organization in Los Angeles, funded the display.

Billboard during the day

Billboard at night

" class="mlpt">Selected CIA Aircraft Routes and Rendition Flights 2001-2006
>  8 October 2006, 12:00:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
>  8 March 1997, 12:00:00 PM | LINK | Filed in

" class="mlpt">Tactical Map
>  16 April 2006, 11:41:12 AM | LINK | Filed in
635. The site is an information resource for the kids at Cooper and the companies who want to recruit them. It’s where I found some of my first gigs.


Student Services front page
Student Services front page

Career Services front page
Career Services front page

" class="mlpt">Cooper Union Student Services
>  8 March 1997, 12:00:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
636. Democracy Now! web site launched in December 2007. As a long-time fan of the show, it was a pleasure to be able to contribute. I designed the front-end for a hand-rolled content management system, blog, and store built with Ruby on Rails. The show is available in a variety of audio, video, and podcast formats, the pages are valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, the content is Creative Commons licensed, and the URLs are just beautiful.

6.05 - 12.07

Democracy Now! Home
Home page design

" class="mlpt">Democracy Now!
>  8 December 2007, 12:00:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
>  8 November 1996, 12:00:00 PM | LINK | Filed in

Visualising Information for Advocacy

I wrote and designed this booklet to introduce advocacy organizations to basic principles and techniques of information design. It’s full of examples of interesting design from groups around the world in a variety of media and forms. It has tips, excercises, and even recommended Free Software packages to help polish up your graphics.

I worked with the Tactical Tech collective who provided editorial feedback and helped track down reproduction rights for the images. They’re also coordinating printing and distribution to NGOs. The project was funded by the OSI Information Program. The booklet is Creative Commons licensed.

Download the full booklet at

" class="mlpt">Visualizing Information for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design
>  8 February 2008, 12:00:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
639. small non-profit telling the stories of Israeli and Palestinian civilians working collaboratively across the green line for peace.

Just Vision home page

Just Vision Profile

Just Vision Timeline

" class="mlpt">Just Vision
>  8 February 2005, 12:00:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
640. MayDay Posters

“What does International Workers’ Day mean for the self-employed — for the designer or any other highly flexible working person today? Or someone unemployed? How does someone self-employed go on strike? How do you fight for better working conditions?”

In much of the globe, workers of the world celebrate the first of May with demonstrations, parades, and parties led by community groups, unions, and left wing political organizations.

Once a celebration of Spring and a commemoration of attacks on workers, EuroMayDay is a modern reinvention of the May Day tradition. The first MayDay Parade was held in Milan in 2001 and has since spread across Europe. In 2006, it grew into EuroMayday, a day of protests and actions to fight “precarization” of workers and discrimination against migrants in Europe and beyond. New forms of Precarity are a result of shifts in the modern workplace from permanent employment to temp work, freelance, and other instruments of “flexible labor.” This has resulted in an existence for workers without predictability or security, affecting both material and psychological welfare.

Hundreds of activists and volunteers over the years have come together to organize the MayDay events. Since 2007, the design studio bildwechsel / image-shift has joined them, producing a series of beautiful and provocative MayDay posters. To celebrate MayDay (and the anniversary of this blog) I asked the studio partners about their MayDay poster designs from the last 4 years.

>  1 May 2010, 10:18:34 AM | LINK | Filed in

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