Write On Stomach

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Pierre Bernard, co-founder of Grapus and Atelier de Création Graphique, delivered this lecture in Minneapolis in 1991. It was reprinted in Essays on Design I: AGI’s Designers of Influence, London 1997.

Artists have for a long time been heading for ghettos, whether rich or poor. Other people have been subjected to a major mass-media aesthetic — or for the most underprivileged — to its leftovers. Our Western society is working at two different speeds. For the minority, a world of calm has come into being in which design means authentic quality. Art can be part of every life. It is a world in which a materialised and human reality can develop.

For the rest — the majority — what is offered is exactly the opposite. Art is something to be visited in reservations, and spiritual harmony is to be found in other realms, religious or chemical.

Inequality is on the increase. The humanist dream of a unification of our planet’s history in the capitalist logic of multinationals has in practice become a reductive standardization. It has thus been deemed legitimate to give arts and artists the function of entertainment and decoration, while techniques and technicians take care of efficient production.

This division of labour amounts to a complete capitulation as regards the principles on which design is founded. The division between the artist as creator and the artisan as technician has been born again out of the ashes of those founding principles. It marks a return to the Stone Age.

I believe that the single identity of the artist and the technician in the person of the graphic designer forms the basis for his capacity to assert his role strongly — and to take his own specific action as an individual who is a part of civilization. I believe that the social function of the graphic designer is a subject to be approached through opinions and persuasion rather than through logic and knowledge.

“Life will always be hard enough to prevent men from losing the desire for something better,” Maxim Gorky said. The graphic designer’s social responsibility is based on the wish to take part in the creation of a better world. It seems simple to declare such a principle, but given the contradictions of real life, the principle does not lead readily to practical rules of behaviour.

>  14 September 2009, 1:02:33 PM | LINK | Filed in
692. 20 Political Poster Books Activist, poster artist and book nerd Josh MacPhee posts an annotated list of his twenty favorite books on post-WWII political posters. A great resource!
>  22 September 2009, 10:22:42 AM | LINK | Filed in
693. Color of Cool “Relying on the centuries-old principle that white objects absorb less heat than dark ones, homeowners like the Waldreps are in the vanguard of a movement embracing ‘cool roofs’ as one of the most affordable weapons against climate change.”
>  30 September 2009, 8:41:19 AM | LINK | Filed in
694. Color of Empire “Iranian activists — trying to blanket New York City with their trademark green color — lobbied to bathe the top of the Empire State Building in green light all this week during their rallies against Iran’s president, who is visiting the United Nations. The request was rejected. But on Thursday, to the protesters’ delight, it will be green anyway, for another reason: an ‘Emerald Gala’ for the 70th anniversary of the film ‘The Wizard of Oz.’”

In other news, today the building will be lit red and yellow in honor of the 60th anniversary of communist China.
>  30 September 2009, 9:11:37 AM | LINK | Filed in
695. Shop “Banksy doe not endorse or profit from the sale of greeting cards, mugs, photo canvasses or Tshirts. Images on this site are provided at high resolution so you can make your own, but only for non-commercial purposes, thanks.”
>  2 October 2009, 10:42:17 AM | LINK | Filed in
696. Melting Men To highlight global warming, artist Nele Azevedo installed 1,000 ice sculptures of sitting men on the steps of Berlin’s concert hall. Since 2005, she has assembled the work in six cities around the world. Though each installation lives for only 30 minutes, images on the internet have circulated widely. The Berlin installation was sponsored by the WWF and coincided with the release of their report on Arctic warming.
>  2 October 2009, 10:46:11 AM | LINK | Filed in
697. re-nourish Are you a graphic designer confused by all this sustainability hoohah? Re-nourish is a gentle introduction and lucid primer on greening your business and its product. It’s also up for a Cooper Hewitt People’s Choice Design Award (and is currently in second place.) A win would send a clear signal to the design community. Vote today!

Update 11/1/09: The voting is over and re-nourish has placed in the top three in the People’s Design Awards! They’ve released a statement about the awards and the implications for sustainable graphic design.
>  8 October 2009, 5:03:46 PM | LINK | Filed in
698. Publishers with a Purpose “A group of online publishers who have pledged 5% of their total ad inventory to selected nonprofits and social causes, with the shared goal of making a difference in our neighborhoods and around the world by grouping together.” Some big, independent blog networks are doing this.
>  16 October 2009, 6:57:09 PM | LINK | Filed in
699. Going Rouge On November 17, Sarah Palin’s memoir Going Rogue: An American Life will be released. That same day, two senior editors at The Nation will publish Going Rouge: Sarah Palin, An American Nightmare, a book of critical essays on her background, policies, and relationship to the Republican Party. In addition to the title play, the book uses its cover type and photo treatment to good effect. (via)
>  22 October 2009, 11:13:01 PM | LINK | Filed in
lushootseed.jpgAfter 50 years of the US Government’s forced assimilation policy, the native Lushootseed language was near extinction. Without a written tradition, by the 1960’s the history of the culture had all but vanished. Only five tribal elders were known to be fluent in the language. A preservation effort was mounted to record stories and create a phonetic alphabet. In December 2008, the Tulalip Tribes Lushootseed Department commissioned Juliet Shen to design a complete font solely for Lushootseed. Their mission is to restore Lushootseed to everyday use. Read more.
>  24 October 2009, 9:13:00 PM | LINK | Filed in

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