twitter is lazy

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701. FS Me Fontsmith Me “FS Me is [a type family] designed to aid legibility for those with learning disability. FS Me was researched and developed in conjunction with - and endorsed by - Mencap, the UK’s leading charity and voice for those with learning disability. Mencap receive a donation for each font licence purchased.”

Related: Read Regular, a typeface for people with dyslexia.
>  1 November 2011, 10:21:10 AM | LINK | Filed in

The tents have been cleared from the park, but the currency of ideas still circulate. Occupy George is a lovely Occupy Wall Street intervention that visually describes disparities in U.S. wealth on a bit of the wealth itself. It’s infographics in your pocket!




>  24 November 2011, 8:54:15 AM | LINK | Filed in
703. Occuprint Permanent Crisis The 4th printed issue of The Occupied Wall Street Journal was a special edition composed entirely of posters. 20,000 copies were printed and distributed throughout the movement. Since then, the project website has attracted a growing number of poster submissions from around the world, each available as a printable PDF.

The site will soon post DIY suggestions, how-to videos, and other resources for anyone who wants to open a free occupation PrintLab.
>  28 November 2011, 12:04:37 AM | LINK | Filed in

Hacking on a workshop plan and thoroughly appreciating Power - A Practical Guide for Facilitating Social Change:

First of Power! “Power can be the ability to act visibly in ways that affect others, but it is also the power to act behind closed doors through more hidden and invisible means. Power can be about what is on the agenda, but also what is kept off; about who speaks, but also who does not; about whose voices count, as well as whose voices go unheard. As such, power is about what we see easily and experience directly, as well as what we do not see. For this reason, we need deliberate and creative ways to understand it and to make how power affects our everyday lives more legible and visible to ourselves and to others.”

And from Making Change Happen: Power (PDF):

“In reality, power is dynamic, relational and multidimensional, changing according to context, circumstance and interest. Its expressions and forms can range from domination and resistance to collaboration and transformation. This is good news for social justice promoters whose strategies depend upon new opportunities and openings in the practice and structures of power.”

Information design can be a useful tool to visualize and understand sources of power — and as a result facilitate the mobilization of power.

>  29 November 2011, 9:53:52 AM | LINK | Filed in

Marxist geographer and critical urbanist, Harvey breaks it down hard:

“You cannot solve the problem of global poverty without going after the accumulation of global wealth. Until you leave your anti-poverty campaigns and join the anti-wealth campaign, nothing is going to happen.”

>  30 November 2011, 12:14:23 PM | LINK | Filed in

AIDS Poster

Poster design by Chaz Maviyane-Davies for World AIDS Day.

>  1 December 2011, 1:41:55 PM | LINK | Filed in
707. Neutral and Not Blue Ribbon “But although Wikipedia’s articles are neutral, its existence is not.… We depend on a legal infrastructure that makes it possible for us to operate. And we depend on a legal infrastructure that also allows other sites to host user-contributed material, both information and expression.”

Thrilling to see Wikipedia, Reddit, Google, Slahdot, Tumblr and other big sites mobilizing their users to take action on a public policy issue today. Once you make that first call to your representative, you realize just how easy it is to call again on another issue as well.
>  18 January 2012, 1:14:11 PM | LINK | Filed in
708. Bank of America ATM Activists in San Francisco updated all 85 Bank of America ATMs in the city on Thursday with a sticker offering an alternative interface. Designed to match the existing BoA ATM interface, the new menus offered a list of things BoA customers’ money is being used for, including investment in coal-fired power plants, foreclosure on Americans’ homes, bankrolling of climate change, and paying for fat executive bonuses. More at
Bank of America
>  14 January 2012, 4:55:22 AM | LINK | Filed in

Stunning photos today of the millions of Egyptians out in the streets to commemorate the start of the revolution a year ago that turned out Mubarak — and to demand transition from military to civilian rule.

A few things have been written on the supporting role of design in the revolution and the urban landscape as both site and medium of protest:

But I think my favorite detail is in this annotated overview of Tahrir square by BBC News.

The authors of direct action (particularly in West Asia and North Africa) are often depicted as a rowdy mob of thugs. But instead of the usual sea of angry Arab men so often shown by the mainstream media, the photo shows a kindergarten set up in the square. Schools in Cairo had been closed during the protests, but many mothers wanted to attend the demonstration as well. So demonstrators organized an impromptu kindergarten.

The image captures the spirit of mutual support that sprang up around the occupation. And my favorite detail: the newsprint under the paintings to keep the square, the city and country they love, free from spills. No random acts of violence here, but using the city to create something new, a different future, with hope and love.

Tahrir Kindergarten

>  25 January 2012, 9:17:45 PM | LINK | Filed in

This is not the way things are supposed to be.

Happy birthday Angela Davis. The quote is from this talk of hers on how change happens. If inclined you can download the image as a PDF.

>  26 January 2012, 2:16:21 PM | LINK | Filed in

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