twitter is lazy

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Great piece via Mike on design and culture in Jacobin magazine. Some choice cuts:

“Design is one of the linchpins of capitalism, because it makes alienated labor possible.

[W]hen it comes to design’s influence on social structures, the focus on consumerism distracts from something more significant and interesting. Design’s real power is that it makes relationships and divisions between people concrete. Without physical stuff to remind us of how we supposedly differ from one another, our hierarchies would be awfully ramshackle; stripped of our possessions, categories like “class” start to look like just a bunch of learned behaviors and confused ideas. Whether prohibitively priced cars, gendered garments, or separate schools for blacks and whites, social hierarchies are always maintained with the help of physical objects and spaces designed to reflect those hierarchies. Otherwise everyone’s claims of superiority and difference would be quite literally immaterial.

Once you realize that all designed objects carry this sort of encrypted information about the organization of society, something amazing happens: you suddenly stop feeling bored in home furnishings stores. Washing machines and cooking implements have a lot to say about norms surrounding domestic labor; office trash cans embody the values of a middle class that can’t deal with its own waste; alarm systems and porch lights offer a crash course in the popular phenomenology of crime. But these objects are not just passive representations of ideas about how society should run. They actively promote those ideas, validating certain prejudices and chastising us when our behavior deviates from certain norms.”

Read the rest.

>  2 September 2012, 8:07:20 AM | LINK | Filed in

Austerity Isn't Working

Poignant cartoon from Steve Bell riffing on this influential Conservative poster from 1978. (via)

>  11 October 2012, 9:26:50 PM | LINK | Filed in
753. RT @michalmigurski: "Design is one of the linchpins of capitalism, because it makes alienated labor possible.”
>  2 September 2012, 12:54:10 PM | LINK | Filed in

Free Safe Vasectomy on Demand

Flipping through some old posters, this one from Australia’s Earthworks Poster Collective caught my eye. I love the humor and urgency, the pop of white ink on newsprint, and the appropriated and politicized style of romance comics. And though printed in 1979 it’s just as relevant today.

Obamacare is a huge leap forward for women’s reproductive health in the US. But it still casts contraception entirely as the responsibility of women. While birth control and tubal ligation are guaranteed and free, vasectomy is a patient responsibility that insurance companies may refuse to cover — despite the fact that vasectomy is essentially an outpatient procedure and has a much lower risk of complications than female surgical sterilization methods.

I don’t anticipate a groundswell of men demanding free vasectomies, but suspect a court challenge will eventually update the law. The high courts do love an anti-discrimination case when it affects white people and men.

>  12 October 2012, 2:03:48 PM | LINK | Filed in
755. Austerity Isn't Working">
>  12 October 2012, 11:31:53 PM | LINK | Filed in
Puppet Protest

First you ban them from your political convention, then you threaten their funding, now the puppets are rising up and fighting back with a Million Puppet March in Washington DC three days before the election. That should be some photo op — humor is a powerful tactic.

But why the Republican anti-puppet agenda? Is it the radical history of puppets? Or perhaps it hits too close to home?

(Protest image courtesy of Nikkolas Smith.)

>  17 October 2012, 9:35:31 AM | LINK | Filed in
757. @StrikeDebt is buying bundled debt that would otherwise go to collection — and forgiving it all. Check out the
>  9 November 2012, 11:45:50 AM | LINK | Filed in
758. RT @ jricole: Noam Chomsky: We can defeat terrorism; the first step is to stop participating in it.
>  16 November 2012, 11:04:14 PM | LINK | Filed in
759. @nytimes, @polan: SoHo is fabulous! But why not “Things I Saw” in #Gaza, Goma, or Far Rockaway?
>  26 November 2012, 7:06:41 PM | LINK | Filed in
760. Big data is the new polling. Fascinating deck on the Obama campaign’s digital team, extensively footnoted.
>  25 December 2012, 5:18:11 PM | LINK | Filed in

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