text to speech TTS

Found 5343 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0847 seconds for text or to or speech or TTS.
791. 50 Serious Games for Social Change lu.pngComputer games designed to teach about social issues like public health, the environment, human rights and poverty. A very mixed bag here, but an interesting, emerging space to watch. (via)
>  23 October 2009, 12:48:35 PM | LINK | Filed in
lushootseed.jpgAfter 50 years of the US Government’s forced assimilation policy, the native Lushootseed language was near extinction. Without a written tradition, by the 1960’s the history of the culture had all but vanished. Only five tribal elders were known to be fluent in the language. A preservation effort was mounted to record stories and create a phonetic alphabet. In December 2008, the Tulalip Tribes Lushootseed Department commissioned Juliet Shen to design a complete font solely for Lushootseed. Their mission is to restore Lushootseed to everyday use. Read more.
>  24 October 2009, 9:13:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
793. Reframing

In my consulting, it’s often useful to reframe questions about design or technology as political matters. A given feature set is rarely limited by technology — just about anything can be built — it’s more a matter of institutional priorities. Outside of this, I’m also finding many apparently technical issues can be better understood when reframed politically. Two via Mike:

The Decline of the Landline: “In many ways the landline network is still an essential utility. Maintaining landline networks provides thousands of jobs (the landline operators support more pensioners than even the car industry does). Landlines are the platform for many public services, such as emergency response. And taxes on landlines are the basis of the complex system of subsidies to ensure universal service, meaning an affordable phone line for all. The phone network is thus not just a technical infrastructure, but a socioeconomic one.”

On Reinventing the Firm “As I argue, drawing on Ronald Coase, a firm is a political response to an economic problem: managerial power and hierarchy is one efficient way of dealing with the uncertainties attached to the employment relationship. But this doesn’t prevent us from considering alternative political settlements, that are potentially more democratic and more productive.”

Hunger is not a lack of food:

Ending Africa’s Hunger: “Conventional wisdom suggests that if people are hungry, there must be a shortage of food, and all we need do is figure out how to grow more. This logic turns hunger into a symptom of a technological deficit, telling a story in which a little agricultural know-how can feed the world.... But there's a problem: the conventional wisdom is wrong. Food output per person is as high as it has ever been, suggesting that hunger isn’t a problem of production so much as one of distribution.“

Interview with Devinder Sharma: “Hunger in India is at a level today that it very shameful. We have this hunger existing at a time when we have a mounting food surplus. We have an unmanageable food surplus, which is a record in history, and we also have a record number of hungry with us today. This paradox forced me to get into this issue of hunger. There are two ways of looking at it. One, of course, is the grassroots effort that one can do to bring people out of hunger. The other, to my understanding, is that hunger is the result of policies, national and international. The basic idea, or the basic focus, today, is to keep one half of the world hungry, because you can only exploit the hungry stomach. You cannot exploit a full stomach, somebody who is very happy and fed.”

Maternal mortality is not just a medical issue:

A Tipping Point on Maternal Mortality?: “During World War I, more American women died in childbirth than American men died in war. Then, after women’s suffrage became a reality, maternal mortality fell sharply. It seems that when women were accepted fully into the political system, then resources were also made available in the health system and they, less marginalized, were able to take advantage of them.”

>  27 October 2009, 9:10:44 AM | LINK | Filed in
794. Tenants Rights Cards tenant-flashcards.jpgCandy Chang designed this set of flash cards on tenants’ rights with the grassroots organization Tenants & Neighbors and published the deck with a grant from Sappi. The set of thirty cards translates New York State’s official Tenants Rights Guide document into fun, digestible topic briefs on issues like security deposits, subletting, privacy and discrimination. Timely, too.

(Previously: pedagogical playing cards.)
>  3 November 2009, 3:50:53 PM | LINK | Filed in
795. Legible London Legible London A new pedestrian wayfinding system to help people walk around the Capital. See also: Bristol Legible City, Southampton Legible City, Legible Dublin, and Connect Sheffield
>  10 November 2009, 2:26:25 AM | LINK | Filed in
Designism 4.0

The Art Directors Club hosted Designism 4.0 this Wednesday night in their New York City gallery. This was the fourth annual event on design and social change there, and after last year’s ambitious program was cut short by the Vice-Presidential debate this year’s program was significantly streamlined — four slideshows, a roundtable, and one big question: how to do good work and still eat.

>  20 November 2009, 9:39:34 AM | LINK | Filed in
797. Clinic with two doors, a symbol of two-tier care “The door on the right leads to quicker service and personal attention from a doctor. The other leads to longer waits and more uncertainty. As it turns out, they're the same place.” The quick side is for patients who pay up front, the other is for those with insurance.
>  25 November 2009, 11:00:36 AM | LINK | Filed in
798. Command-C Did you hear the one about the city as software platform? A group of NYU students has taken a more oppositional approach, posting a series of simple computer commands to address gentrification, development and neighborhood preservation.
Urban Computing
>  1 December 2009, 12:19:15 PM | LINK | Filed in
799. Design the Next New York City Condom Package Free NYC CondomsIf you can make it here, you’ll make it anywhere. Last year the New York City Health Department gave away 41 million condoms. Now they are inviting you to design next year’s wrapper. The deadline for entries is January 22, 2010. Read more at the NY Times or the official nyc.gov condom site.
>  15 December 2009, 1:26:14 PM | LINK | Filed in
800. Ten Things I Have Learned Milton Glaser: “It’s interesting to observe that in the new AIGA’s code of ethics there is a significant amount of useful information about appropriate behaviour towards clients and other designers, but not a word about a designer’s relationship to the public.”
>  27 December 2009, 1:02:40 PM | LINK | Filed in

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