twitter is lazy

Found 3599 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1527 seconds for twitter or is or lazy.
811. “More than physical space, a city is a set of cultural norms. A kind of shared dream.” #NYC
>  6 September 2013, 6:46:43 PM | LINK | Filed in
812. RT @espiekermann: Free! Fira, the Firefox OS typeface we @edenspiekermann designed for Mozilla, is now ready to be downloaded:…
>  13 September 2013, 5:49:40 AM | LINK | Filed in
813. RT @krao78: Amazing to hear and see that #StopAndFrisk and NYPD policing abuses may have been definitive issue in the NYC election.
>  13 September 2013, 5:49:41 AM | LINK | Filed in
814. “News is something which somebody wants suppressed: all the rest is advertising.”
>  13 September 2013, 5:49:42 AM | LINK | Filed in
815. Anti-Hero

Fantastic post on Demos on the importance of building power vs charity. I hate to give away the punchline (it's a short post—go read it now) but this really nails it:

“Certain kinds of everyday heroism will always be important and unavoidable, but the goal of a set of social institutions should be to destroy as many opportunities for heroism as possible. Heroism is only possible where some kind of tragedy is imminent. But a good social system snuffs out avoidable tragedies before they even have a chance of approaching imminence. In many cases therefore, the existence of heroism is actually a deeply troubling symptom of overall political dysfunction. It should not be met with adoration, but with horror and concern.”

I see this in design activism all the time. For instance, everyone loves when designers step up with charity. But there's important work for designers also in helping to build infrastructures (social, political, physical) to mitigate the impact of disasters in the first place.

>  10 October 2013, 10:16:06 PM | LINK | Filed in
816. RT @jobeckerhrw: Lula: Brazil has cut child labor by two-thirds. "Our experience shows it is possible to face up to extreme poverty." http:…
>  10 October 2013, 10:20:58 PM | LINK | Filed in
817. @amandabee Hans Rosling is a master of #dataviz as performance:
>  10 October 2013, 10:20:59 PM | LINK | Filed in
818. Eradicating poverty in the US is not deeply complicated or intractable. We have poverty because we choose to have it.
>  10 October 2013, 10:20:59 PM | LINK | Filed in
819. UNDP: Empowering women is the single most important factor for reducing poverty.
>  10 October 2013, 10:21:00 PM | LINK | Filed in
820. @SethGiammanco Thanks! The API approach of @givingimpact is really smart. I'm also in the Slope and up for coffee any time. :-)
>  10 October 2013, 10:21:00 PM | LINK | Filed in

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