twitter is lazy

Found 3599 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.1096 seconds for twitter or is or lazy.
621. Chance for Peace “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.” — President Dwight D. Eisenhower before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16, 1953. Those Republican 5-star generals sure sound like a bunch of socialists.
>  24 January 2010, 4:45:17 PM | LINK | Filed in
622. Font Aid IV fontaidiv.jpgThe Society of Typographic Aficionados is calling for designers to submit a black and white "ampersand" icon to build a collaborative font that will be sold to raise funds for relief efforts in Haiti. Previous Font Aid fonts have benefitted UNICEF to help war and disaster refugees, victims of the September 11 tragedies in the US, and relief efforts in countries affected by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamis.
>  25 January 2010, 5:27:34 PM | LINK | Filed in

How does one make design for social change sustainable and scalable? To build a replicable model and an enduring momentum?

As someone who’s worked with non-profits for many years, I’ve occasionally thought about perhaps starting one of my own as a way of institutionalizing some of my activism and work, ideas, research and outreach.

You might be surprised to learn that the largest charity in the world is not run by Bill and Melinda Gates, but is one that promotes and supports innovation in the field of architectural and interior design. That’s the Stichting INGKA Foundation, the Dutch Foundation that owns IKEA.

I have more modest ambitions and checking out the prior art, I found there’s no shortage of design-driven non-profit organizations. A search on GuideStar, a database of non-profit organizations, turns up over 5,000 search results matching the term “design.” In my survey of design-centric non-profit organizations here are some I thought were notable. This list is not exhaustive (for instance, it does not include some amazing educational institutions, museums, or documentary projects) and the examples here are all US-based, but take a look.

>  12 February 2010, 9:59:41 AM | LINK | Filed in
624. Job Loss to Recovery The Obama administration has posted an infographic to bolster claims that a year after its signing, the Recovery Act is working wonders. I get the point, but the y-axis label is confusing: wouldn’t negative job loss be the same as job creation? Regardless, I had a different picture of the recovery.
>  17 February 2010, 12:18:28 PM | LINK | Filed in
625. Always Wear Your Seatbelt Stunning short video from the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership. The whole ad is one a simple, slightly surreal scene, but touches a deep, emotional place — a similar place to the recent Google ad, another simple, powerful video that’s surreal in its own way. Nicely done. (Via)
>  19 February 2010, 12:15:41 AM | LINK | Filed in
626. Design Against the Death Penalty death-is-not-justice.png The death penalty will be the next focus of Poster for Tomorrow, an international, collaborative poster project. The project will culminate on October 10, 2010, the world day against the death penalty coordinated by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. Posters are intended to be used by campaigners around the world and will be chosen in part for their reproducibility. The call for entries will open on April 10 with posters due in June. The project is run by 4tomorrow an independent, non-profit organization based in Paris that promotes active citizenship through the medium of design.
>  25 February 2010, 1:12:25 PM | LINK | Filed in
627. Green Patriot Posters Raise a Carrot A call for poster designs to be included in a forthcoming book on contemporary graphic design promoting sustainability and the fight against climate change. Deadline is March 27th!
>  15 March 2010, 9:41:27 PM | LINK | Filed in
628. Flow Lamp flow-lamp.jpg A self-powered lamp post for illuminating public spaces in developing countries, this bamboo wind turbine charges LEDs, and is both cheap and recyclable. What started out as a graduate thesis will be going into production soon.
>  15 March 2010, 9:53:17 PM | LINK | Filed in
629. re:Active Magazine reactive-fear.pngA nonprofit arts-education program introducing underserved youth in Portland, OR to the power of design and storytelling by publishing a theme-based, expressive magazine about issues affecting youth worldwide. Youth are given on-the-job training in writing, art and graphic design.

Another great project for my list of design non-profits.
>  1 April 2010, 12:58:31 PM | LINK | Filed in
630. the Peace Poem, too.

UN CyberSchoolBus Home
Home page design

International Day of Peace

Schools Demining Schools

Human Rights in Action!

Atlas of Student Action for the Planet home page
A crowd-sourced collection of student projects for the planet.

Atlas of Student Action for the Planet project list

Atlas of Student Action for the Planet icons
Icons from the atlas of student action for the planet

Professor's postcard quiz
Professor’s postcard quiz

The Daily Fax
Daily factoids on UN issues

" class="mlpt">United Nations CyberSchoolBus
>  15 June 1998, 6:32:33 PM | LINK | Filed in

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