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771. Visualizing Public Policy tomato.jpg The Center for Urban Pedagogy has announced a call for designers for the next round of Making Policy Public. This year’s fold-out poster designs will cover policy briefs on:
  • Preserving public parks and historically safe spaces for LGBTQ teens in the context of rapid privatization of public space.
  • Enabling public housing residents to become active participants in critical decisions about the developments where they live.
  • Educating the public about the redistricting process and reforms that can make it less subject to political manipulation.
  • Helping youth and their families navigate the juvenile justice system.
  • Visualizing market forces along the tomato supply chain that give rise to sweatshop working conditions in the Florida tomato industry.
See this previous Making Policy Public brief on street vendor regulations in New York City.
>  29 July 2009, 2:19:49 PM | LINK | Filed in

From Orion Magazine:

“Would any sane person think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing naked around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal ‘solutions’?”

Via Design Action and Design Activism I found this essay by Derrick Jensen on the polite activism of personal consumption and “living ethically.” Though Jensen doesn’t direct it at designers specifically, he identifies a strong trend in contemporary activism that’s pervasive amongst designers, particularly in the whole sustainable design movement. I’ve noted this before, as have others: after a hard strategic review last year, the World Wildlife Fund published a major report attacking green consumerism and “behaviour-change” strategies, calling instead for radically different approach to environmentalism.

Sandino Vive!Sometimes constructing alternatives can be an effective way to go, the Free Software movement being one shining example. But at the risk of spoiling his punch line, Jensen points to successful political struggles of the past: “We can follow the example of those who remembered that the role of an activist is not to navigate systems of oppressive power with as much integrity as possible, but rather to confront and take down those systems.”

Which is a good segue to this excellent roundup of real-world graphic agitation by Josh MacPhee, Street Art and Social Movements in Paris in May 1968, Nicaragua in the late 1970s, South Africa in the early 1980s, and finally Argentina from 2001-04.

>  30 July 2009, 11:34:10 PM | LINK | Filed in
773. Why
>  31 July 2009, 9:53:30 PM | LINK | Filed in

crane.jpgSadako Sasaki was two years old when she survived the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6. 1945. Ten years later, she became gravely ill and was hospitalized with leukemia. She began folding paper cranes in hope of making a thousand, which according to Japanese legend would allow her to be granted one wish — to live. However, when she realized she would not survive, she wished instead for world peace and an end to suffering.

She folded 644 cranes before she became too weak to fold any more, and died shortly after. Sadako’s story has been popularized in books, movies, and music, including a widely translated children’s book in 1965 by an Austrian author and the American children’s book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes published in 1977.

The origami paper crane has since become a symbol of world peace. Paper cranes and lanterns are floated each year to remember those who died from the bombs and to call for peace and disarmament.

>  5 August 2009, 8:07:07 PM | LINK | Filed in
775. The Socially Conscious Geek Socially engaged designer and friend of mine Noah Scalin wants to tell you about his experience specializing in socially conscious work while earning a living wage — so he’s proposed a panel discussion at South By Southwest with a few fellow travelers. Proposed panels are open to a vote, so why not give it a click?
>  19 August 2009, 3:19:18 PM | LINK | Filed in
An Anarchist anti-slogan used in the Battle of Seattle to illustrate the reification of the slogan in mass culture. From a list of political slogans on wikipedia.
>  21 August 2009, 1:20:56 AM | LINK | Filed in
777. Remodeling the Rural Studio rural-studio.jpgMetropolis looks at the state of the Rural Studio, Auburn University’s architecture program where students design and build for the rural poor in Alabama. After the passing of its founder, the program has shifted focus from building flamboyant, one-off structures to designing an affordable housing template and facilitating financing. It’s never been clear to me how much the communities they build for actually participate in the design process, but I like the new direction.
>  21 August 2009, 10:45:51 AM | LINK | Filed in

It’s rare to see a large, established non-profit take a bold risk with their branding. All the more reason I love the striking, typographic treatment of the graphics designed by Hey Studio for a campaign by Oxfam International Spain. (via)

Oxfam España

>  24 August 2009, 1:07:26 AM | LINK | Filed in
779. Designer Be Good Print magazine hosts a live webcast this Thursday about creating positive change in the world. Daniel Schutzsmith will talk about tools, trends, positioning at the intersection of philanthropy, design, and social media.
>  25 August 2009, 11:38:30 AM | LINK | Filed in
780. Health, House, Economy Red House “The ‘standard account’ of home foreclosure attributes this spike to loose lending practices, irresponsible borrowers, a flat real estate market, and rising interest rates. Based on our study of homeowners going through foreclosures in four states... half of all respondents (49%) indicated that their foreclosure was caused in part by a medical problem, including illness or injuries (32%), unmanageable medical bills (23%), lost work due to a medical problem (27%), or caring for sick family members (14%).”
>  27 August 2009, 9:22:11 AM | LINK | Filed in

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