text to speech TTS

Found 5343 matches from 1,400 records in about 0.0756 seconds for text or to or speech or TTS.

If you think culture eats strategy for lunch, Larry Lessig adds some historical context to that whole cultural decline at Goldman Sachs thing: structure eats culture.

>  15 March 2012, 5:29:43 PM | LINK | Filed in

Leigh Vogel, a professional photographer, working with the Center for Social Impact Communication at Georgetown has published an excellent little primer on the use of photography by NGOs:

Images can play a vital role in how effectively messages can reach various audiences. When images accompany text or a story, which element makes the difference in engaging the reader or viewer? Which motivates one to act? Using images strategically in external and internal communications planning and execution can be a vital component of success for an organization.

In addition to “reading” photos, topics include legal rights, photo sharing and distribution, and managing your archive.

Page through below or download as a PDF. (via)

>  23 March 2012, 10:42:05 AM | LINK | Filed in

Poster designs contributed to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Click through below for high resolution versions you can print. The first two images below were included in the Occuprint silkscreen portfolio a limited edition of silkscreened posters sold to raise funds to print and distribute movement materials for free. The silkscreened posters are now in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the New York Public Library Prints Department.

Design based on this Tweet commenting on the police brutality at UC Davis. The poster was featured in print and online by the Washington Post.

Take Back Wall Street

Stop the War on the Poor

Housing, Food, Health, Work, Now!

We are the 99%

Tax the Rich

Business Cat

See also this crowd sourced May Day poster.

" class="mlpt">Occupy Wall Street Posters
>  7 October 2011, 7:08:36 AM | LINK | Filed in

Bilingual map design for the print edition of the Committee to Protect Journalists report After the Black Spring: For Cuban journalists, prison, liberation, and the new repression

" class="mlpt">Cuban Journalists
>  8 July 2011, 7:23:36 AM | LINK | Filed in

I designed the 2010 Annual Report of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. The report highlights the innovative grassroots programs they fund around the world in the areas of prevention, expanding access to survivor services, and strengthening the implementation of public policy.

UN Trust Fund Programs

UN Trust Fund Programs

Violence Against Women statistics

" class="mlpt">UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
>  16 March 2011, 7:36:04 AM | LINK | Filed in

Using data from the authors, I designed seven regional maps and seven regional tour maps for this alternative tour guide of Los Angeles focused on sites of struggle related to race, class, gender, and sexuality. The guide is available now form UC Press.

See also A People's Guide to New York City.

LA County Map

South Harbor


" class="mlpt">A People's Guide to Los Angeles
>  8 April 2012, 7:36:02 PM | LINK | Filed in
967. Crowdsourced Poster for May Day

I crowdsourced a crowd scene for a May Day poster using Mechanical Turk, Facebook and Twitter friends inviting them to draw a robot holding up a sign. In just five days, I assembled a protest scene with 250 unique characters. It was great fun. Here are the results in color and black and white.

Click below for high resolution versions.



>  9 April 2012, 8:27:48 PM | LINK | Filed in
968. NewsJack NewsJackWhat would you put on the front page of the New York Times? Or Fox News? NewsJack lets you remix and edit web pages to create and share your own parody site in an instant. Read more about it here or download the source code from GitHub.
>  25 April 2012, 4:39:43 PM | LINK | Filed in
969. The Data Driven Journalism Handbook data-driven-journalism-handbook.jpgData, storytelling, news apps, visualization, tools, and resources — The Data Driven Journalism Handbook is a great resource for NGOs, too. A nice complement to Visualizing Information for Advocacy.
>  28 April 2012, 9:29:44 AM | LINK | Filed in
970. Roads Emergency
Grover, Road Safety Ambassador

It’s a design emergency. Road trauma is the number one cause of death and injury for children in every country of the world. And crashes disproportionately affect the poor with 9 out of 10 deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries.

While the engineers huddle over traffic and urban planning, there’s one monster big enough for the educational front.

Your lovable pal Grover has taken on the role of Global Road Safety Ambassador in support of the United Nations’s Decade of Action for Road Safety.

Ambassador Grover stars in a series of PSA’s developed by Sesame Workshop and the Global Road Safety Partnership to accompany a Road Safety Education Framework for educators, parents, and communities.


Inspired by the success of the red ribbon for HIV/AIDS and the white band against global poverty, the Decade of Action group is also promoting a yellow Road Safety Tag to increase awareness of the issue. Sports figures, celebrities, and politicians have been spotted wearing the tag.

>  18 May 2012, 9:38:17 AM | LINK | Filed in

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